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    Brussels, Belgium
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    Flight Simulation ; Macintosh Computer ; Homebuilds a/c (EAA)

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  1. Strong winds maybe...?
  2. albvt

    Autopilot switch

    Thanks a million, Brad. "located on the center console"... not very clear, IMHO...!
  3. Can someone show me where that "Autopilot switch" is located on the instrument panel? I saw this on page 11 from the "Flight Tutorial.pdf" manual : "At 500ft AGL, engage the Autopilot, located on the center console. You MUST click and hold the Autopilot switch for at least 1-2 seconds before it engages. This is a safety feature of the Saab 340A that prevents accidental Autopilot activation." Thanks.
  4. Not FoundThe requested URL /store/The-Garmin-G1000-And-Columbia-400-video.html was not found on this server. Albert
  5. Hi Jim, I'm really impressed with the "Cessna Corvalis TT"...! Would like to congratulate you for this outstanding achievement. Using it extensively with "X-Plane 10.22" on my "Mac Pro OS X 10.9". I'm flying with Virtual Airline "California Airlines" (EBBR Hub). http://www.californiaair.net/website/index.php Really my favorite airplane and using the "Garmin G1000 FMS" with no problems. Best Regards, Albert P.S. When the G2000 version update?
  6. Hi Jim, Apologies for not having started a new thread for my new subjects I introduced here...! Sorry about that. Albert
  7. Hi Jim, WOW...! Thanks for the diligent reply. Overlooked that "large FMS knob"...! Albert
  8. Hi Jim, I would like to ask you IF the "Active Flight Plan" window is restricted to a certain number of waypoints? If not, what is the step to take to expend the window? I had a " .fms " file with 27 waypoints (Belgian Tour). See image below :
  9. Hi Jim, I installed a fresh copy and everything is OK now... Thanks for your useful help. Albert
  10. "... The light switches are located in their proper positions in the 3D cockpit ...". All I see is this (half of a landing light switch...) : Unable to put an image here...! No strobe, position and taxi lights?No panel light dimmers?
  11. Difference between 2D & 3D...? 1/ 2D : 2/ 3D : Cheers, Albert
  12. Hi Goran, Never mind. I found what I needed on pages 29/30/31 from the "Charts.pdf" file. Albert
  13. Hi Goran, No problem. I just wanted to know the Vso to be able to know the Vref, e.g. +30%. Thanks for your reply. Albert
  14. I don't see those Vmca & Vso speeds on Plane-Maker (Viewpoint). It says "000". Would like to see/know them... Thanks. Albert http://albvtbe.ipage.com
  15. I see GPS, then LOC1 and finally VOR1.
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