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  1. @Goran Attached log files as promised. Tried windowed mode and the problem goes away. I run a 3440x1440 LG Monitor. v1.09_Log.txt v1.11_Log.txt
  2. I get stutters when panning both in cockpit view and exterior view. Gone back to previous version. I got FPS locked at 30. CPU is heavily loaded. CPU time in v 1.9 is 0.0154. It goes up to 0.0330 in v1.10
  3. Fair enough, I'm happy with that. I feared that I wouldn't be able to use LT together with the TBM. Thank you very much for your help!
  4. OK, thank you, I stand corrected. To be honest I wasn't aware that the TCAS page existed. So I have to rephrase and say that when AI planes are enabled so they appear on the MFD map of the TBM, they do appear, but after a few minutes I get a CTD as explained in my post in the TBM forum, and that only happens with the TBM. On the other hand, the G1000 doesn't have a TCAS page, so I must enable AI planes to see them somehow, which is not a problem.
  5. Sorry but this is not my case. As you can see in the attached pic, plenty of traffic on the tarmac, nothing displayed on the TCAS. If I enable xplane AI planes, they immediately pop in the TCAS. This happens with all aircraft I use (Aerobask DA62, Zibo 738, Aerobask Eclipse 500, the default C172 G1000, etc.). I use the Bluebell CSL package.
  6. Thanks for your quick reply. Yeah is definetely to do with the TCAS. The way LT works you have to enable some AI aircraft in XP so you can see the LT traffic in your TCAS, in other words you can still see the 3D models of LT Traffic but you wouldn't see them in the TCAS unless you have some AI aircraft enabled. The CTD of the TBM only happens when AI aircraft are enabled, so I can still run the LT plugin and get the traffic with no problem with the TBM. I can always pretend that TCAS is broken and I can't afford a replacement :-). If LT is not present I can have AI traffic enabled which is displayed on the TCAS without any bother. I'm reporting this to the LT guys right away, but it still puzzles me why this CTD only happens with the TBM.
  7. I've been getting the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error several times with CTD. When I remove the LiveTraffic plugin the problem goes away. Put back LT and after a few minutes after TBM is loaded the CTD occurs again. Live Traffic doesn't cause any problems with any other of my aircraft. Log - Copy.txt TBM900_Log - Copy.txt
  8. Exactly the same problem here.
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