Sorry about that! I'll post the answer here as well for people looking up the solution via JRollon said: "well.. as said in the manual the APR is for capturing also the Glideslope while VORApr only is for VOR approximation.... The plane should go down when capturing a G/S... of course with the right speed, the right altitude and the right ILS tunned. Could you try in other airport to see if it is capturing the GS? Remember to capture the GS from below the beam, not above it. Didn't hear about this problem before." cessna729 said: "Please try and review the ILS tutorial on this site, then give it a go. If you still have problems, check that you are correctly tuned to the correct ILS Freq and have ID'd it. (sometimes X-Planes navdata can have the wrong freq or the GS is not matched to the LOC, see Robins Site for new 1311 X-Plane data)."