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Cessna 195

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Everything posted by Cessna 195

  1. http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/5028/fsx-cessna-195-shakey-jake/ has a lot of other c195's!!!
  2. I've reached 56 posts. This makes 57.
  3. Location KSFO. That is what it sais for your location. Aproach or departure?
  4. Only 9. now it is 10
  5. KSFO. nice location. Are you in approach or departure?
  6. This one's going to take 30 min.
  7. That website has the longest downloads I've ever seen.
  8. Good. Your glory and honor is returned.
  9. Sorry. outdo me
  10. $22.99 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could buy the sim for that amount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Is it freeware?
  13. Where do I download it?
  14. CESSNA 195!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. all in one folder? or separate
  16. I also have x-plane. I love both. Ok. FSX. my computer can handle it...I think
  17. Once you download the files, merely unzip the main folder where you will see 2 zipped folders. Unzip each of them and copy the unzipped folders directly into your Custom Scenery Folder. All in one folder?
  18. Awsome website!!!
  19. Thanks. What about VOR-DME?
  20. I am going to get fsx or fs2004. Which is better?
  21. Like them both.
  22. Yes
  23. x=-plane. sorry x-plane
  24. x=-plane and fsx both have those things that you like/dislike.
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