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Everything posted by bonfiki

  1. Waiting for replies, I've noticed the problem begins when the SID or STAR contains waypoints (INTC) or (<<Altitude>>). For that waypoints the FMS show the same hdg = -2147483648° and the same distance = - 2147483648.
  2. Today morning I made some other tests and I'm convinced that tho problem depends by NavData. In particular, by SIDs. Infact, I tried to introducing the route, and then the STAR for LIRF (before SID for LIMC) and all was ok. Introducing SID FARAK5P for LIMC I noticed some wrong waypoints, e.g. (INT) that were too far from the route. The FMS shown me a distance from nearest waypoint -12354647474. Deleting that waypoints and EXEC the FP, everythings came back correct.
  3. Sorry for delay, yesterday evening I came home back too late... Here you can find the link to FP file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6098885/LIMC-LIRF. Waiting for your conclusion. Thank you
  4. @Philipp: This evening when I'll come back home, I'll post to you the FP file. Now, I can say to you I'm using CRJ on XP9.70 MacbookPro 17'' year 2010 with OS Lion. See you soon and thank you again for your effort. Gianluca
  5. Thank you for your attention! The navadata are vasFMCnative 1201. The sequence is: - Pos init - Introducing Apt ICAO - set IRS position + switch IRS align selectors on pedestal - Flight plan: dep+arr icao apt (Limc-Lirf) / exec / first way point in route (karpi) / exec / next page / via UQ705/ final waypoint in route (Xibil) / exec / dep/arr page / dep apt (limc) / rwy 35R / farak sid / karpi trans / exec/ arr apt / xibil star / cmp trans / ils16L.y at lirf / exec/ That's all, is it correct?
  6. this is my situation... look at distance from LIMC to LIRF (normally less than 300NM) all this is shown after introducing FARAK sid!
  7. In particolar: LIMC to LIRF route Karpi UQ705 Xibil rwy 35R sid FARAKxx trans KARPIxx
  8. I think is a Navigraph problem due to wrong procedures in FMS data, could you confirm that ?
  9. Programming FMS at LIMC, introducing SID and TRANS procedure Xplane crashes....
  10. Could someone explain me how calculate the Stab trim setting with an aircraft almost full (46 pax).... I attached the page to show you my calculation stopped already at ZFW. I tried other calculations with less pax for a 160nm flight and the calculation returned me a LITOW Index and Weight very low, so the %MAC Index went out of lines graphic. Thank you. Gianluca Trim.pdf
  11. ok, solved...i am a donkey ! :'( I opened the templates from DIST folder included in download folder. I tried to open the templates from CRJ-200 folder in Xplane one and all works fine ! Sorry for my crap :-[ and thanks a lot for support. Good evening
  12. I tried with a copy of CS5 and CS4 Portable....and the problem persists I can open just Motores.psd templates, so I think my copy of CS5 is ok.
  13. I would like to report that I can't open the PSD template files of paint kit, with Photoshop CS5 The application reply to me there is a problem with the file format Do you know something about it ?
  14. thank you so much !
  15. ..but lufthansa folder is empty ! >
  16. ok, i found lufthansa folder in "dist" downloaded one...so i think the installer doesn't load the lufthansa livery although i check in it during installation process
  17. Hello, reporting a little bug in the installer: the british airways livery is out of liveries folder.... and 2nd reporting I can't find Lufthansa one... Thanks for reply
  18. It's...it's...it's an AWESOME work! Congratulations and thank you Guys!
  19. Do you think we could have some chance to try your awesome "bird" during this week-end?
  20. Ok, sorry. My post would not be polemical, I know the difficulties about this step of programming, but it's so simple to update us users and inform about work in progress, isn't it? Personally, I thought the released was at the same time with Navigraph CRJ 1105 Airac.... Now, I hope the sales will be open quickly, because I think too much waiting ends up stewing. ;D
  21. Thank you Japo....Now, Cameron, what's happening about installer and its released ???
  22. ok, so does the released depend by X-Aviation ?
  23. Thank you Philipp for your suggestion.....I'll follow your advice ! Does someone know when the aircraft will be released ???
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