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Everything posted by uglyDwarf

  1. That is what I call an argument... If you'd read the response in the linked post, you'd find, that DVD playback is not a techical problem, but legal one... User not being added to the audio group sounds like a glitch in this particular distro - don't you think there would be much more uproar, if it was a common Linux problem? And with that HDMI issue - there are no details like which GPU, what drivers, etc. - then it is hard to judge what exactly was the problem here... Just to be fair - windows has its own share of problems... Yesterday I spent some quality time trying to get a printer working - for some reason, the driver shipped with windows was sure the printer is only black/white, while it is a color printer and it also failed to recoginze the duplexer unit (even when enabled in the advanced options dialogue). After an hour spent by going through the diferent printer preferences dialogues I found that I had to download new driver from manufacturers site... The point is - your mileage may vary, no matter what system you use... Kind regards, Michal
  2. I know - I looked at their numbers too... The problem is, that these numbers are just numbers and it is hard to judge how accurate they are...
  3. Well, lots of games are being played on Android devices, so I'd say that it is kind of relevant to this thread... And as for the Linux desktop numbers/stats, do you know how did they come up with them? Are they USA only, or worldwide? How come that numbers from different companies differ so much? Statcounter reports XP around 19%, while Netmarketshare around 29% (January). I'd say it means that the numbers are very imprecise, so that reported 1.6% might be much more... As Winston Churchill said - I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself
  4. I didn't say it is going to be dominant, or did I? All I'm saying is, that Linux is here to stay, like it or not... And gaming is part of it already...
  5. I'm not sure what is the point you are trying to make - you mean the decline of windows and rising percentage of MacOS and Linux?
  6. Given it is one of the big features of the Windows 8 - why not? Especially when Atom beats i5 (not to mention DDR2 vs DDR3 memory) - it is really sad.
  7. Hi, planes and sceneries that do not use plugins can be used on any system (provided there aren't problems with case of filenames); planes and sceneries with plugins are only limited to platforms for which the plugin is provided. There you are at mercy of the developer, however there are plenty of alternatives, so I personaly don't think that I'm missing anything working primarily on Linux. As for your experience with Linux, I do have a similar view of Windows - I stumbled upon several devices, that weren't supported by windows (some printers and ethernet to usb stick), that worked on Linux just by plugging it in. On the other hand, I had a network card, that required manual installation of 4 packages (you can't download anything when your network card doesn't work, right) - if I had the ethernet to usb stick back then, it would be just a matter of updating the system. I also find interesting how people praise Windows 8 for their fast boot up speed - my single core atom netbook with full Ubuntu boots up faster than a i5 notebook with Windows 8... But I might be missing something (both machines have conventional harddrives). Funny thing is, how many prophets are around here, "knowing" that Linux doesn't stand a chance. And it seems to me, that they are really frightened now... Why? First they said that Linux doesn't have chance, because of bad hardware support... Today, there is only a small portion of hardware, that doesn't support Linux. Then they said there will be no games on Linux... Now there are hundreds of them... Yes, but no AAA titles... Well, there are some already and more is in the pipe... Anyway,the point is - use whatever system you like, doing anything else would be plain stupid; just remember, that there are alternatives and the day might come, when such knowledge will come really handy (Kaspersky Live CD maybe? worked like a charm for me...). Kind regards, Michal
  8. Hi, linuxtrack does work with TrackIR 2 to latest TrackIR 5 and also SmatrNav3 and 4 are supported. Besides that, there is a Wiimote support and Webcam working in both Freetrack-like (hat or clip with LEDs) and facetracking mode... Kind regards, Michal
  9. Both - the former is good, when one is feeling adventurous and doesn't mind playing with things; however there are many people, who prefer/need stability... Maybe a compromise would be a way - major version once in a while, followed by few quick bugfix releases if needed. Kind regards, Michal
  10. Hi, can you post more info on the joystick in question (what axes/buttons are present on it, ...)? Also can you post result of running command 'ls -lsaF' in /dev/input directory (or where the eventXX files reside), along with info which event file corresponds to the joystick in question (/proc/bus/input/devices file might help you to identify the device)? Kind regards, Michal
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