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  1. Once networked the clients normally just reflect whatever weather is on the server...if you change any weather parameter on the server you can see the change happen immediately on each client. To clarify I am also running Xplane on the server but don't use it for a scenery display. It is the Xplane server and it gets FSGRW weather, which is delivered to the clients, just like the aircraft position, speed, altitude data etc. Haven't had any issues running this way until SMP 3.1 and RWC. I intend to wait for the 3.1 fix mentioned above before making any further tests of RWC with my configuration.
  2. Just further confirmation that I am also experiencing this issue. I was testing RWC with server pc running FSGRW (no RWC or scenery display) and 3 clients with SMP 3.1.1 each with RWC and having the above problem which I thought was to do with RWC until I read your posts. One thing I did notice with RWC on the clients was that even though real weather was refreshed (on the clients Xplane "Download real weather screen" displays), there was no weather change on the clients. I tried the "always on" option as well as automatic" However I think its best if I wait for the 3.1 fix before giving any legitimate feedback on RWC operation on the clients. Thanks for looking into a fix for the cloud sync problem...I realise we who run networked clients are probably a minority of users so appreciate your support.
  3. OK Thanks...I'll give some feedback once I try it out.
  4. Thanks for the advice. Cameron arranged an extra SMP licence for me a while back. Can I just run FSGRW on the server pc and still get the correct format for RWC delivered to the clients. If so, as the server pc does not display scenery ( it just gets FSGRW), can I just install RWC on the 3 clients and not on the server at all? I'm happy just to give this a try unless you think that won't work for some reason.
  5. I purchased RWC but have not installed it as yet. After reading the manual I am now wondering if it is possible to run RWC on the multi pc setup that I have ie.... One server pc with Xplane that gets real weather via FSGRW and distributes the wx data to 3 client pc's that run 3 views (with SMP 3.1.1 on each)...and currently works very well. I assume I would have to install RWC on all the pc's?, but my main query is whether the server will send the correct RWC data to the clients (being different to normal Xplane wx data?) and that the weather would be sync'ed across the 3 display views, as it does at the moment. Any advice appreciated before I try to install RWC. Ian
  6. Thanks Cameron....sorry, yes I did reply to the previous support ticket and when I received the email reply it said the ticket was reopened, I assumed that it was OK to do it that way. I'll submit a new ticket.
  7. Hi I reopened a support ticket #HBSMJ as the issue was the same, and received an acknowledgement email on 16th January, but as yet have had no response. I'm wondering if I should have created another support ticket or if something has gone wrong. I wasn't sure how long to wait as I know support requests patience, and I don't mind that. Thanks for any assistance Ian
  8. All fixed...fantastic program... looks and performs great on my 3 tv screen cockpit setup. Many Thanks Ben and Cameron Ian
  9. Thanks for the time auto update suggestion...will try that. Unfortunately I now have another problem. Yesterday I replaced one of my client pc's with an upgraded pc. When I went to activate SkyMaxx on it I received the message " All licence slots have been used". I didn't realise there was a limit on licences (although I can understand why) and I used up quite a few activations with the pc that had the incorrect date issue. Could I possibly get another activation licence slot for the replacement client pc without having to purchase again? Thanks for your support Ian
  10. Thanks for that...yes that was the problem. It's brought to my attention that the date is not being updated by this motherboard. I'll try reloading the bios but I suspect it may be a fault...I have only had that pc for a few months and being used as a client I hadn't noticed the date was stuck where it was when I first set it up.
  11. I installed and activated Sky Maxx Pro V3 on my server pc and one of my two clients, and it networks fine. On the other client the program installed OK, and activates OK, but after it successfully activates another activation screen appears. If I enter activation details on that screen, the same thing happens...I keep getting activation screens even though it says successfully activated? I tried a complete uninstall and reinstall of Sky Maxx but I get the same result. That pc is running Windows 7 64 bit and is a high spec pc. When I reboot Xplane (after getting a successful activation and just closing the second activation window) I get the activation screen again. Any explanation as to why the activation screen keeps appearing after saying successful activation? Thanks for any help
  12. OK many thanks for that. I assume networking instructions, on what to install on the client pc's, come with the software?
  13. Hi I have a 3pc cockpit setup (each pc running a scenery screen). Do I have to purchase 3 copies of SkyMaxx Pro or can I run a single copy on the main central server pc with just cloud textures installed on the clients? I guess my question is ... how does SkyMaxx Pro handle a multi pc networked setup? Thanks for any help
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