Tom, I would like to get your opinion on a tool I just made, called OSMAirportsX. It takes OSM and OurAirports data for a particular airport and generates the airport file (apt.dat) and scenery files (.dsf) for objects within the airport. For the apt.dat, it generates airport boundaries, runways, taxiways, taxi lines, aprons, beacons, PAPIs, Frequencies. For the scenery file, it generates airport terminals, fences, hangars and other buildings. For the scenery objects, it uses OSM data to extract the 2d footprint and then uses an appropriate facade to generate the scenery object. The results look very promising. Here is a picture of an airport generated using the tool. This was completely tool generated without using WED, Overlay Editor or hand modifying the apt.dat / .dsf files. Since I use OSM data, the runways, taxiways, building placements are very very accurate compared to real world. In fact, I overlaid an orthophoto on the airport I made, and found that the placement was perfect, no alignment changes were required. I use random ranges for facade heights as well as building types, so what would really help are a lot more facades (office buildings, terminals, parking lots, control towers). More the available facades, more diverse the scenery can become. The tool can also be used as a starting point for a new scenery developer. From nothing, a complete airport can be made in a few seconds. All that remains are a few tweaks (some airports come out perfect, some require tweaks, especially the taxiways), depending on the quality of the OSM data. In particular, I couldn't find a facade for a control tower (I tried out a class bravo airport and the lack of a tower was glaring). Does the X-Plane 10 library already have one, or is it planned for the near future? I don't want to use an obj because I want the object to match the OSM 2d footprint for realism, so my reliance on facades. The tool will be open sourced, once I fix a few bugs. Shankar