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Connor Hanson

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  1. Hey goran, how close is the citation II to being done? Do you guys think I should get X plane 10?
  2. Hey Goran, since you guys won't go down the path of making a Bravo or an Encore, since you are making the II which is the closest thing to a Bravo, I have some questions. Is your Citation II going to have the old steam gauges or will it have better avionics? Will it have the awesome trailing link landing gear ((which I think is a must have)) with the wheel covers that stretch down almost to the ground on the mains that cover the main gear like they do on the citation Bravo? Also if you guys are making a II, would it be possible for you guys to develop the II and then with little work create an Ultra with trailing link landing gear also and kind of have like a package say like an ERJ 135 and 145 package? I would greatly appreciate your reply and Thank you Connor Hanson
  3. Thanks a bunch jackoat!! I'm sure the time will come. I do have a demand for citations I will admit. Cessna has done a very fine job since they established themselves. The Citation X is my favorite Aircraft, but I love the Bravos, II's, Ultra's, and Encores almost as much as the X don't get me wrong! I just love Citations. I love the ERJ regional jets. Embraer does a good job. I love Jet props too, but only the EMB-120, and the Beech 1900D. I just hope someone picks up on these projects for X-plane very soon and then I will be able to transition to X-plane more easier! I just havn't seen much for me to really want to make the jump yet! Yeah the challenger 300 is a nice jet, but I am a Citation guy! I also like Gulfstreams, and the erj series. But I am hoping these aircraft are in x-plane soon!
  4. Cool, I guess I get what you guys are saying. I guess i didn't even think about money, time, and real world matters. I'd love to transition to X plane 10 from Flight simulator X, but i'm not so sure I should do that now just because of the fact that X plane 10 just happened and there isn't a lot of aircraft to choose from yet. My favorite aircraft havn't even been produced yet for X plane 10 but X plane 10 looks so awesome and so much more real than FSX. Here are my favorite airplanes and they are all corporate airplanes, but I just love flying them in FSX. They consist of the Beechcraft 1900D by the way i have the PMDG version. The Embraer EMB-120, the Embraer regional jet series the 135 and 145, the Citation Bravos, THe citation X, and the other jet that I love but hasn't been developed for any flight simulator is the bigger version of the Citation II and the Citation Bravos and that is the 560 Citation Ultra and Encore but I prefer the Encore over the Ultra. THis citation II is close to the Bravo so its going to be awesome but I don't just want to go buy X plane 10 just for this, well I guess I do, but I don't. I am also not much of a fan of the Saab 340 actually. Just the EMB-120 and the Beechcraft 1900D. I just hope that X plane 10 grows rapidly and i'm hoping to buy it with my favorite aircraft in the simulator down the road here. THanks again guys for the responses and I had no clue on what you guys actually go through. thanks again Connor Hanson
  5. hey goran, can I just ask you something? No this isn't a comment with negative implications, but I just want to know why flight simulation aircraft developers these days don't want to develop jets from the present? It's always jets from the past? Your citation ii looks amazing and i am sure it will be an amazing x plane aircraft, but why doesn't anybody want to develop a Citation Bravo, or what BeachAV8R is flying in his pictures which is the Ultra or the Citation Encore. I prefer the Encore. Feel free to chime in BeachAV8R. But seriously, I love the new citation jets like the Citation Bravo, the Encore and the Citation X, but no simulation aircraft developers want to make them. It seems to me like its always a jet that was built in real life way back 20 years ago. For example your citation ii which is going to be awesome, but it's the II and that was built like in the 90's and we are in the two thousand teens now. By the way, I got a suggestion for Turbo props or even jet props. The Beechcraft 1900D, for example, PMDG made a 1900D and a 1900C package for FS2004 and FSX. That would be a good one. Also the Embraer EMB-120!! If you guys are really crazy down the road, you could make a EMBRAER package with the EMB-120, and the ERJ series like the 145 and the 135. Someone should make a Bravo, Encore, and The New Citation X with winglets that now holds the fastest business jet record for speed. But, plain, and simple, I just want to know, no hard feelings. Connor Hanson
  6. Hey Goran, its connor hanson. Do you remember me from posting that long post about how you guys should look to the future and not the past. The post at xplanenation.com? I responded below you if that was you but I kind of regret saying that a little because this thing is looking really good and I might have to purchase X-plane 10. I have Flight simulator X right now and I am in love with it but it seems that you guys are not making this beautiful citation II for both x-plane 10 and FSX. Do you guys think you will ever make all your stuff compatible not just with X-plane 10 but for FSX, just wondering. I would just like to see some new Citation Jets out there. Cessna keeps releasing new jets every couple years and I just get excited about the thought of Flight simulation groups creating the realistic newer versions of the citation jets. For example this Citation II, the new version is the beautiful Citation Bravo. I know you guys are busy and you guys really do a good job because this II is looking better than the veneaviones Citation II that I have in Flight simulator X. But would you guys ever consider the thought of making some new citation Jets like the Citation Bravo with real sound recorded from real airplane (interior/Exterior), also with realistic virtual cockpits, realistic lighting and realistic parts, from the fuselage to the jet engines, to the wings, to the wheels and wheel sizing, and the wheel covers that cover the wheel when the jet is on the ground. If you or anybody looks up the citation bravo say on google or something, you know what I am talking about when I am talking about the wheel covers. The big plates that cover the back wheels and in the front a little plate that sits behind the nose gear not on the side like the big plates on the back gear do. If you guys do decide to make newer versions of citation jets that would be a huge deal! Say like the Citation Bravo, the Citation Encore aka ( the citation V), Even the Citation X, you got the Excel and XLS too! Also I see you guys are creating the Saab 340 and it looks great! Maybe you guys could venture into making a realistic Beechcraft 1900D and C with real sound realistic virtual cockpit and maybe a EMB-120 Brasilia for some good Turboprops? If you make the Emb-120, you should look into creating the ERJ series like the ERJ-135, ERJ-145. Just some thoughts that would make X plane really fricken cool!! But yeah, If you remember that post, I didn't mean it after seeing the progress you guys have made with this. Just a suggestion also if you guys are still in progress with the II, you should create the wheel covers to make it look more real because the newer Citation II's have them. Just a realistic suggestion. Goran if you could reply back to me, I would appreciate it! Congrats with the Saab 340 and the Citation II!! Connor Hanson
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