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Everything posted by jackoat

  1. Correct. If by chance you use Xavion for X-Plane, when checked in the net settings, your time and date are locked to real time.
  2. The VA sounds interesting... BUT... Nothing on this earth, in my humble opinion, is worth a trip back to Windows world. Happy to check it out if you guys find a path to Mac OSX support
  3. Connor, You of course have to transition in a timeframe that makes sense for you. Just know that it may be better than you imagine once the transition, learning curve etc.. is accomplished, not to mention there is some $ involved. I will spare this forum and thread the details of the upside(s) of X-Plane but know that, in my humble opinion, there is no comparision, and more aircraft than you may realize. Just a reminder to check... JRollon's fantastic BAe Jetstream 32 (http://www.x-aviatio...tream-p-92.html), and to fill in the biz jet hole this Bomardier Challenger 300 (http://flyawaysimula...00-for-x-plane/). I flew Eaglesoft's Citation II and Citation X extensively in FSX as well as the 1900 from PMDG. These aircraft for X-Plane are far better in my opinion. Cant wait for this Citation II as well as the Saab! Good luck... See you when you arrive in X-Plane!
  4. Connor, I completely get the appetite for more "contemporary" aircraft. I come from the FS9/FSX universe (which for the record I don't miss one lick) and slowly and somewhat reluctantly transitioned into the X-Plane world and, happy to say, haven't looked back. The most significant turning point for me was understanding what it takes for these guys, Austin included, to bring all of these excellent products to us to use and enjoy. Time and resource heavy while dealing with other "real life" matters. But the critical mass is growing and great things are beginning to emerge... In the interim, while waiting for the aircraft variety you refer to, I have been flying the following... In FSX I was a big PMDG 1900 series fan. Try JRollon's fantastic BAe Jetstream 32 (http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/jetstream-p-92.html), and to fill in the biz jet hole this Bomardier Challenger 300 (http://flyawaysimulation.com/news/4473/vmax-has-released-bombardier-challenger-300-for-x-plane/).
  5. Try this... Great solution to your problem. http://caffeinatedaviator.com/xremotefmc/
  6. Issue seems to have resolved itself after a re-install of the aircraft.
  7. Greetings. Please forgive me if I missed this topic being addressed elsewhere in the forums and let me begin by saying GREAT WORK on the Jetstream. What a joy to fly. I am having issues with the reverse thrust. I have tried mapping reverse hold to my yolk, and neither are engaging properly after touch down. The rev lights are lit on the annunciator panel briefly then dis-engage. Rev thrust works as mapped in other aircraft... I am running the Jetstream 32 v1.03 on XP Mac OSX 64bit, with no changes to the default configuration other than turning off the co-pilot flying right seat. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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