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Posts posted by UR67393

  1. No, we will not be developing for Outerra 3D. This model is strictly for X-Plane.


    This is already in place. Depending on sun angle you will see various glares.


    Other than the fact they sound awesome I can't reveal anymore at this time.


    This is the 340A model and it's way too early to be discussing B at this time.


    Good news about glass reflection and engine sounds, thank You. It will be an excellent model(!).

    And realy pity not for Outerra too. Thank again and Best Regards.

  2. Well they are developing for X-Plane so I would doubt they will port it to the Outerra engine as it would cause even more work for them. Since they are working on releasing more models for XP I am sure most of the community would prefer they work on those first. That being said you never know...


    Now Outerra community may yet be small (but who knows for sure, and with confidence?), But I think that now it is not particularly significant. I am sure that the community Outerra over time will be more and more in-Outerra encouraging development, prospects and often excellent reviews of users and developers of add-ons. I believe that the model SAAB into Outerra have good prospect, let's wait for the answer with the opinion of the developer.

  3. Hello dear Cameron.                                                                                                                                                       Your SAAB model looking good, thank You. May i get Your answer at my several questions:                                        1- will You create Your SAAB model for Outerra 3D engine too in future? If yes- will You adapted Your model SAAB- 340(A) for Outerra coming soon?   2- Can You created reflection at the glass into pilot cabin? For example- more or less glass reflection view FSX default models have.  3- Can You tell about engine sounds for model? May i to hear it now? =) 4- Can You tell now about CDU for 340B model- which model do You planning to install- UNS-1Lw(http://www.uasc.com/products/uns1lw.aspx) or previous, other models?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thats all questions now. Thank You for Your attention.

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