I am agree about the speed/altitude intervention. That's an option not present on all aircrafts. I am flying the real CL and NG, and all CL's are differents.
But all have the possibility to fly a hodling. This is not an option.
Don't forget that on a real aircraft, we are both (One flying and one dealing with systems and checklists), and in front of our computer, we are alone. A simmer need automation, and in my opinion, this is not acceptable not to have the possibility to fly a holding with the A/P (At least, on this kind of aircraft). More, not all failures are realistics with the IXEG. Some indications lights are missing with some failures.
After my NG rating, I have try the Zibo 737, and I was really impressed by the level of realism, even with failures.
Sure, that's not perfect, and it will never be, but we definitely don't have the basics with IXEG.