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Everything posted by XPAfrica

  1. indeed it is - sad thing is many users paid for software that is not being supported anymore, even if this is not officia. The "Team" kinda closed all access possibilities users had to them - if you do not send emails with a subject containing a precise set of words, your email will end-up in their spam folder (which kind-of reminds one of other x-plane devs struggeling with anti-spam and becoming unreachable...is it really that hard to handle email traffic?). Many users therefore even fail to reach them when there is a licence problem or anything of that sort. That's pretty sad because people get sore quickly over such behaviours and you can already read rants about GoodWay in a fair number of x-plane related fora.
  2. This thread has been started ages ago, so i'm sorry if waking it up is unwanted, but i thought it deserved an answer: XCopilot seems not to be developped anymore. GoodWay Team has not updated its flight planning software in ages either and the last post on the XCopilot website is dated from end of october 2008 if i'm not mistaking. This is really too bad since their work was highly appreciated by many x-plane users, but from what i've overheard here and there, they have other things keeping them busy right now (which, in a way, is good news i guess). So i'll be like many others, waiting for them to take up work again, or for someone else to develop new solutions for these x-plane needs.
  3. As much as i hate the org for a bunch of reasons (that we all kinda seem to share here), i have to be fair and say they still have a few talented developers onboard - i just got Felis' AN-24 and it's a great product; Same goes for dden's planes. On the other hand the org is releasing payware work that might have been worth the money a few years ago, but these oldschool devs who did not take the road of hi-quality 3D production are now completely left behind by a new generation and by those who went into putting a lot of effort in learning new technologies to produce great (freeware or payware) content. Gary belongs to the oldschool guys, as well as Heinz - in my eperience they're great guys so i don't like to talk badly about them or their work, but it is true that their techniques and the resulting work seem totally outdated nowadays - from this perspective it is clearly an error on the side of the org's management, since they are in the end the ones who could puch developers in one or the other direction. But they seem to be very focused on gathering and holding on to all the developers they can since the seem to be very frightened of the competition that came with developpers going to x-aviation (for example) or migration of producers of fine freeware content to other portals or independent sites (they still actually live from the thousands of freeware items they offer that draw people to eventually buy payware products).
  4. +1, mac version would be great For the rest, i have to say that my first impression of REX was raher negative...but... I recently took a trip to my hometown and i must say the first thing i had to think of when getting off the train and looking at the sky and clouds was the REX screenshots and videos i had seen. Where i live, the clouds are usually way lower, the sky just doesn't look like that, which probably explains my first impressions. Anyway, looking at the sky that day made me realise how realistic the clouds are rendered in REX - Great Job! The only thing that needs a bit of impovement in my opinion is the "contrast" : The REX clouds seem to be really cutting though the sky, which tends to harm the realism of the whole thing (that's more obvious in videos than screenhots) - a bit more "blurr" would be very welcome there. In the end this seems to be an excellent product which will hopefully get rid of these minor issues soon...and get mac version i for one am very much looking forward to see the evolutions of REX.
  5. Hi guys, Bob, actually FS2XPLABNE often produces two apt.dat files : apt.dat & fullapt.dat - The latter one, as indicated in it's filename is the full version, so usually i will trash apt.dat and rename fullapt.dat to apt.dat in order to get all aprons, taxiways, lines etc. ... In 99% of the cases that's where the missing info is, sometimes you'll also find remains of virtual traffic guiding paths for example, but then you just have to remove those.
  6. hi 'will have to do my own publicity then : XP-Africa -> http://xpafrica.blogspot.com
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