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Everything posted by Rockatansky

  1. Really, Cameron ?... This screenshot should refresh your memory... @jfwharton is right. It is written : "X-Plane 12 update will be free" What about the other "Free" updates ?... How many will they cost ?! Now, we know what your word is worth. And we can judge a person by his word. You have $$ in the eyes ; that's the real and only viable path (your path) ! Customers ? It's secondary, you don't care.
  2. Yes, congrats to them, for two things : they are reactive and they take care of their customers. They don't have "des doigts de plombs" ! Cameron, imagine you have purchased a product. Happily, you try it. And... no ! It doesn't works as expected. You get back to the shop and explain this to the vendor : Vendor - Oh ? Strange, it should works properly. Cameron - No, it don't. Could I be refund ? Vendor - Being refund ?! You're joking ! You open the box ! No, definitively no, it's not our policy. But wait, it will be fixed ASAP. Just wait a little bit, I tell to the customers support. Then it should work far best than expected ! Cameron - Ok. But I can't use it. Vendor - It doesn't matter. Its not my probem WAIT, please. You know it's very complex. So, WAIT, it's an order. Cameron - And I wait, wait, wait... After many weeks... Vendor - Hey, Cameron, good news, your issue will be fixed for Christmas, I promise (sic) ! Cameron - Yeah ! Great ! (What an interesting dialog, isn't it ! A dialog of the deaf ?) Christmas come, Christmas is over... And no update. Cameron get frustrated and begin to be angry. The vendor have is money, but he can't use his product. Is he a liar ? Did he fool him ? It seems it counts his $ instead of earing the dissatisfied and annoyed customers. Hey Cameron, Goran and all the LES clique, have you ever live such a boring situation (I want to stay polish) ? Well, patience is a virtue, but months after, customers will become less and less virtuous... I'm not sure you understand them. Are you deaf ? It's equal for you, you have the money... Making such a complex thing without being able to fix it, it's quite funny ! And you say me I can't be refund because the serial has been activated. I'm sure you can deactivate it. It's just a question of will. I'm sure again that if you found the Saab on the Internet as a torrent file, it will be deactivated in the minute ! Well, the magic wand is broken and they're really something rotten at LES and X-Aviation. Isn't it, you, the "digital" Harry Potter ? I dare to tell things many customers feel and think. And please don't say it's counter productive. Saying this is disrespectful for many of us. We have the right to complain because the so long-awaited patch is postponed at the Greek calends. Again and again... And Goran, you'd better keep quiet instead of speaking about a Christmas release. You made us hopping for... nothing.
  3. Really ?! You fool everybody. it seems your magic wand is rotten...
  4. I feel happy to know that you fly well with her ! Really. Can the designers consider to make a "light" version with less systems but good FPS ? What is the significance of having a plane that is the most complete and realistic if we can't fly correctly with her ? The next update ? You mean the 1.1 update long-awaited by customers ? Do you really think by a magic wand my FPS grow up from 15 to 30 ?!... I don't think so. Well, I buy this plane today and I feel very frustrated to see it in my hangar and can't fly. Sent from my desktop Mac using… my keyboard !
  5. I fixed the FPS issue. I just deleted the Saab 340 ! 14-15 FPS with my configuration (30 FPS with the CRJ-200) ! It was just a waste of money...
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