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Everything posted by skypara

  1. With the initial note that I am not a sound expert of any kind, I've been digging in the CRJ sound folders last night and found out an interesting fact - the engine sound files are actually only 4, while in FSX folders you can find sometimes more than 12. It appears that X-Plane has different way of presenting the sounds (tune up or down the same files for idle to max thrust) and unfortunately the final result is worse than FSX. This being said I have changed the APU and few other sound files with my sounds library from FSX and the final result is... not bad :-\ I need to get accustomed to the X-Plane specifics I presume.
  2. Thanks for the input Phill. Yet, I believe the thrust reverse should be available as soon as throttles are in idle (not the actual engine RPM)..
  3. Dear Javier and team, The CRJ-200 is a fine product indeed, with a very few issues that need to be addressed. Here's mine impression after a few hours with the machine: A well done external modeling, very nice interior as well. I am more that pleased with the cockpit lights. The functionality of the cockpit is on a more than satisfactory level. The fact that Navigraph is having updates already means the FMS won't be just for decoration. Very nice! I can't really comment on the flight model as I have never flown the CRJ in real life but it looks good to me. Furthermore - minor imperfections and glitches such as the funny operation of the thrust reverser I believe can be fine tuned and fixed relatively quick. I am finding difficulties to control certain values with the mouse drag - such as altitude changes - requiring me to drag like crazy through the whole screen. I would like the option of mouse wheel to change the values without dragging to be implemented. Something I would like to stress on - this great product badly needs a sound package update. The average quality of the CRJ does not match the poor sounds that are attached to it. I kinda expected this to be frank, and I am sure it is something to be worked on in the future. Unfortunately for me the sounds are a major NoGo item and it looks like I would keep the CRJ in the hangar for a time being until a sound update is published or a solution to upgrade the sounds with a package like Turbine Sound Studios products for FSX is found. This product has really a great potential and might divert more people to X-Plane from FSX, but sure it needs some refinements to be done first. Best regards,
  4. Must agree here.. The thrust reverse acts a bit funny - sometimes it engages, sometimes it doesn't..
  5. I hit the X-Aviation bookmark link a few minutes ago with the presumption that "Coming soon" will be still there. Not today!... I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Javier&Cameron and everybody involved in developing this amazing product with the release! It is a big milestone for JR, X-Aviation and X-Plane community.. Enough talking, I'm back to my CRJ200 installation ;D
  6. Hush.... What is this silence?... I am really anxious to see another great CRJ video.. Plsss...
  7. Very nice image!... In fact looks so real that the only thng missing is the smell The dirt on the windshield - is it just my imagination or it is there by purpose?...
  8. So far this rain effect is the best I've seen in any Flight sim. Great job guys! My X-Plane arrived and now I am anxious to get my copy of the CRJ. FSX (including the addons) doesn't even get close to this...
  9. And by the way the choise of the backgrond music for the videos is great. Chicane fits perfect in the scenario multyplying the "WOW" factor... Can we have another ideo soon :
  10. Thank you very much for the thorough answer. Just one thing makes me sad :'( the unknown release of the beauty. Anyway, fingers crossed there will be no slowdowns on the final straigh.
  11. A quick question to the developers: Any intentions for a system failures random generator? After few monts of using a new plane and all systems are learned - one way to keep the interest up is to start creating some critical situations requiring precise following of the Abnormal Procedures...
  12. Yes, I agree that it will be great if the CRJ200 has general compatibility with the data from AIRAC... It is a very nice feeling to know that each month your system gets updated just as the real one. The thing is whether the X-Plane itself has the AIRAC update?
  13. Greetings from Dubai!.... After another hard day fighting with the bugs and rubbish performance of FSX I accidentally found the X-Plane video with your masterpiece and my jaw dropped... Few minutes later I was doing the purchase of my first X-Plane copy over the internet (still to be delivered). It appears that you guys have made my dreams come true within the X-Plane world. Therefore as someone before me said "... my FSX DVD goes in the trash..." Keep up the great work and I look forward for the CRJ to arrive in my hangar too!.. Best regards and good luck,
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