Dear Javier and team, The CRJ-200 is a fine product indeed, with a very few issues that need to be addressed. Here's mine impression after a few hours with the machine: A well done external modeling, very nice interior as well. I am more that pleased with the cockpit lights. The functionality of the cockpit is on a more than satisfactory level. The fact that Navigraph is having updates already means the FMS won't be just for decoration. Very nice! I can't really comment on the flight model as I have never flown the CRJ in real life but it looks good to me. Furthermore - minor imperfections and glitches such as the funny operation of the thrust reverser I believe can be fine tuned and fixed relatively quick. I am finding difficulties to control certain values with the mouse drag - such as altitude changes - requiring me to drag like crazy through the whole screen. I would like the option of mouse wheel to change the values without dragging to be implemented. Something I would like to stress on - this great product badly needs a sound package update. The average quality of the CRJ does not match the poor sounds that are attached to it. I kinda expected this to be frank, and I am sure it is something to be worked on in the future. Unfortunately for me the sounds are a major NoGo item and it looks like I would keep the CRJ in the hangar for a time being until a sound update is published or a solution to upgrade the sounds with a package like Turbine Sound Studios products for FSX is found. This product has really a great potential and might divert more people to X-Plane from FSX, but sure it needs some refinements to be done first. Best regards,