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Everything posted by meshboy

  1. ooouuchhhhh!! Whhhattt aaaa torture man!!!! Not nice! First i see a new movie by ixeg. And when my pulse is reaching max i see that it is removed!!! Ding dong! The movies gone!!! hahahah
  2. I am not into propellers so much, but because this is such high quality and study-sim i will buy it! Its important to support the great addons so we can get more of this superb quality in our airplanes! This is also the first time i wont be buying new aricraft from PMDG (777) just becuase i can´t stand FSX. If they want my support, they have to release it for x-plane! =)
  3. What are the odds for a new video from Mr Pilot Jan? I would love if we could see some of the new FMC functionality! =) Or maybe a "recreation" of the Engine-start demo that was created long ago but this time in the night time so we can see some of the night lighting? Happy coding!
  4. FAIL!!!! That made my pulse go even higher!!!!! Beautiful work! I have always told you the "feeling" of being in the cockpit is just great, i doub´t i ever fly in daylight! =)
  5. OOOkay!!! One month have passed and i need a new ixeg-fix!!! how about a new screenshot of something we havent seen before???? could be a small detail like cockpit-lamp or just a chair-texture or something so my pulse goes back to normal!
  6. ok i get the plugin
  7. Is there any way to do this? In keys menu there are no options for aileron. Yeah i know, you get better experience etc with joysticks but i don´t want to fly with joystick, i want to fly with keyboard. it really sux if this feature has been removed.
  8. How about a cold n dark startup Video? *droooool*
  9. Now when all parts are almost connected, what part of the development has been the hardest? My Guess is VNAV and all the analog gauges. =)
  10. It would be awesome if the galley power seatbeltsign, smokingsign etc worked with the switches in the cockpit!
  11. Wow Tom! Talk about fast response! Thats why it is so much fun to come here! =) I have never seen so much nice detail in a galley! The seats are so round and nice! Look at that curtain!!! Imagine to hit replay after a flight at night and then sit in a seat and look out the window! That will be nice! The walls looks great, very nice "plastic" feel as in the real aircraft!
  12. I am shaking and my adrenaline are going bad... i need a IXEG-FIX FAST! Is there anything to show from the Galley? Even an exit sign will do the trick! =)
  13. I always fly the 727 at LFMN and always have 30fps, but now after latest beta i have ~40-45 Does anyone else notice better performance?
  14. Sounds good Tom! happy coding!
  15. Anymore videos before release? Please, if you make more videos it would be cool to watch the 3D cockpit at night! Your short preview of circuitbrakers was awesome!
  16. you can almost hear the electricity in the lines! =)
  17. I cant wait to see some of the galley. I love to sit in the back while replaying takeoff or landing. I think the galley is very important for overall fell. Will seatbeltsign and smoke sign work in the galley?
  18. wow that Varig looks tasty!
  19. I have no words.... I really dont.... ...seriously.... That image of sas and morning cockpit... ...ooo my godddd..... ...i cant stop staring at them! I have not seen this high level in any simulation before!!!!!
  20. I think we are spoiled with all the nice videos that we have forgotten how nice it is with a night cockpit screenshot! If the sas livery is done that would also be great as a sneak preview! Hows the vnav coming along, will there be a autpolit lesson nr 4 or will you create a new topic? I would love to get the star/sid vnav,lnav demo of this bird. Happy coding!
  21. Looks like you have really good FPS in this video, can´t imagine that the finished product will be lets say 50-60% more hard on FPS than in the Video. Hope it stays the same! =)
  22. Great work Tom and Jan! Haha i laughed when the "Whew" text came up, it was my though exactly! hahaha Nice to see some more interior 3d, looking very good!
  23. sounds great Tom! tnx
  24. any autopilot movies for the weekend? =)
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