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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Tested other sound devices as well. I give up, without logs from Gizmo och X-Plane this is impossible to find.
  2. Installed the latest OpenAL drivers and that prevented the Context from being NULL but still the same CTD outside view. This is irritating with no exception at the end of logs... Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  3. That might absolutely be the case. The sound disappear sometimes before crashing. And once i had the sound disappear before the CTD for several minutes. I will try to change the sound provider and do another test. Thanks for the input!
  4. Ok, no question about it. I went to the Gizmo menu and selected "reboot script" and got a CTD one second later. Gizmo plugin or something within the code is the problem.
  5. Ladies and gentlements, pilots, flight enthusiasts... We have identifies ourselfs a villain for this external view crash! I Took this IXEG 737 baby up to 8000feet, disable Gizmo64 and X-A Validation plugins and VOILA! Flying around at 33000 feet for an hour with the GPU power unit infront of the aircraft nose is quite a sight! =) hahaha Dont think you can reengage any of these plugins and be back to normal. But the problem for the CTD is one of these plugins. Does Gizmo have a log dump?
  6. Same with all Graphics settings to lowest sliders. This is wierd. Any debug mode from IXEG logs? Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  7. Tried with No scenery at all and only IXEG 737 with outside view. Still crashing. Next try is with all graphics settings to low. Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  8. Today i am going to try to fly IXEG without a scenery at all and see if that makes a difference. Will report back later today.
  9. Thanks for your reply. I have all the latest drivers/updates etc due to fresh installation of everything.
  10. This guy has the same problem. Tried with many other aircraft. Two default and also now the Zibo 737, this ONLY happens to IXEG 737. Funny thing is, if i stay in the Cockpit view, it is steady as a rock. Made a flight for 2 hours yesterday. LFMN -> LDDU and not a twitch. But if i do the same flight and go to outside view it crashes after departure around 10-15nm after takeoff all the time. I can replicate it always if i go Shift+4. Are there any more logs thats being written or an option to dump more info?
  11. Another Flight, same problem. Works fine untill outside view 15-20nm from the Airport. Tried "Run as administrator" via Steam and not schortcut but no luck. Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  12. Hi! Long story short, followed the IXEG 737 development fanatically 8 years ago but kids, house, business came in between until a week ago when i bought this magnificent bird! It is truly a work of art, i can just sit in the cockpit in cold and dark and look around for hours without having the need for flying! =) But it truly amazing when flying it aswell and all the systems and camera shakes and EVERYTHING about this plane is so good! The 737-300 is a special aircraft for me with the best between analog / digital but it really is top notch! I have a small problem that i get a CTD on outside views. Had an old computer, same problem with XP12 and IXEG. Build a new computer yesterday 7800X3D and 7800XT and same thing. There is only a Xp-12 installation from steam with Europe scenery and then i only have the IXEG 737-300 plugin installed, no other plugin. Anyone have the same? I have supported a ticket to X-Aviation but i might test this forum aswell. Thanks, and thanks IXEG for a great aircraft! Log_ATC.txt Log.txt
  13. Hi do you think you will add support to be able to open the nav display in a popup or export it in some way. airtrack allready has support for the PFD but no way to interface the magenta lines on the nav display. would be nice for us cockpit builders.
  14. Hi is there any update to this? Understand if Ben and the other Ixeg people have been busy. having the Ixeg export the NAV display would be a wet dream for us cockpitbuilders. i Am building a 737-800 with OEM panels from the 737-300 and some from FDS (-800 panels) i will use IXEG even if its not a 800. i think i can use the XHSI to display the PFD with 90% accuracy, but the NAV with the magenta route is another task. are you still thinking of some sort of export for us cockpitbuilders?
  15. I really hope the Ixeg team will take good money for this aircraft, and also charge good money for the updates. I will be disappointed if this bird goes for under 150$. Thats how good this is!!!
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