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Everything posted by gmiller51

  1. Regarding FrankByte's initial message and your replies Cameron, shouldn't you have a disclaimer that states that Skymaxx Pro doesn't work with Vatsim via XSB and X-plane? Like Frankbyte, flying around the midwest yesterday smack in the middle of it all and nothing but clear blue skies and a few puffs. Greg
  2. I am not sure if I missquoted the version number or thats the version I have. Your site sends an update push (much appreciated) which I always install immediately. Regardless, I just downloaded and installed 1.3.22 and we'll see how we do. Thanks for the reply Cameron.' Greg UPDATE: Flew the KPDX-KRNO tonight that failed twice before in the last two days. I have the latest 1.3.22 installed. Flight was flawless and there was much cloud layer into RNO. What I did NOT do is allow XSB to update the WX. That will be the next test. So far, so good.
  3. As far a 1.3.1 goes, here is the report from tonights 2 identical flights. Happened about the same elapsed time as well. iMac 27 OSX 10.9.2 (Mavericks) From Apple crash report: Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 mac.xpl 0x00000000830541c1 comp(SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLining::Renderable*) + 97 1 mac.xpl 0x0000000083054661 void std::__final_insertion_sort<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<SilverLining::Renderable**, std::vector<SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLiningAllocator<SilverLining::Renderable*> > >, bool (*)(SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLining::Renderable*)>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<SilverLining::Renderable**, std::vector<SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLiningAllocator<SilverLining::Renderable*> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<SilverLining::Renderable**, std::vector<SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLiningAllocator<SilverLining::Renderable*> > >, bool (*)(SilverLining::Renderable*, SilverLining::Renderable*)) + 289 2 mac.xpl 0x0000000083053eb8 SilverLining::Renderer::SortAndDrawBlendedObjects(bool, bool) + 24 3 mac.xpl 0x000000008300f9f7 SilverLining::Atmosphere::DrawObjects(bool, bool, bool, float, bool) + 3527 4 mac.xpl 0x000000008300435a drawClouds(int, int, void*) + 411 (abridged) Like others report, sometimes some flights are OK, then tonight CTD. I thought it might be the XSB weather push, so I set XP to "0" weather refresh time. That didn't change anything. I too absolutely enjoy flying in the SkyMaxx environment, but to not be able to complete flights causes anxiety. "when will this sim crash". ONLY two bad players are X-Squalkbox and Skymaxx Pro. FWIW, Greg
  4. Same issue. How do you get default clouds BACK in XP10. Thanks, Greg
  5. I've been told by a friend in my VA, that I might be alone in this issue, but here goes.... 2012 iMac 27, loaded- OSX ver. 10.8.4,Processor: 3.4 Ghz Intel Core i7',Ram: 32 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3,Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB Xplane 10.25 XSB 64 latest update Rammzees B777 and just bought and installed Skymaxx Pro. Issue is flying on VATSIM with above. When preparing to take off all is working, beautiful skies, squawkbox is connected. Then there is an issue that sometimes exists and sometimes not. And when it does exist it's MOSTLY in heavy Vatsim voice (as in a FNO). Starts out as an audiable "screech", like tires on landing. When it's bad, it continues and the frame rate goes from 25-30 to 2. Everything is pausing including voice with ATC. Sometimes switching from internal cockpit to external stops it, and framerate is normal!, but that doesn't work when it's constant. Cameron at Skymaxx seems to think it's the SB codec for the new 64bit version. But before I installed Skymaxx, SB 64 was fine. If anyone has a clue about this issue, please contribute. I just want joyous Vatsim experiences with awesome A/C and environments. Thanks, Greg
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