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Everything posted by AngeloM

  1. This week I checked their servers every day for the RC and no problem at all, all of them were/are fully functional.
  2. Five posts in ten hours doesn't help at all in order to get updates. Michael will update the thread when there'll be something new to show or let us know.
  3. Literally lot of threads here about SkyMaxx Pro and you're not able to find it online? Start to check X-Aviation page (http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/skymaxx-p-101.html?osCsid=d7bd96f435d66227ab9d201048343933) then read related threads.
  4. One question was enough, anyway no it isn't for X-Plane. Give a look here: http://www.outerra.com
  5. Too many factors are involved with FPS, two identical systems (I mean hardware + operating system + drivers) could easily return different FPS values. Even saying "45+ FPS with 2010 iMac" (no offence to you, gthomas, it's just an example) doesn't help because there're no informations about your system and X-Plane configuration so it's almost impossible to give a clue to OlaHaldor in this way... but it would be very interesting to know how you can obtain that value. Angelo
  6. Hi Chris, is that Toronto? If so, did you some updates? Thanks in advance! Angelo
  7. Sorry but I don't find your log.txt, was you able to attach it?
  8. A possibly 3rd option is this: delete the Preferences folder and try again, if you still get the crash launch the installer telling him to update your installation it should fix missed and corrupted files in your installation.
  9. Hi Max, usually you do need more than just one library like OpenSceneryX, you should get even R2_Library, RuScenery, ff_library_extended_LOD and possibly even others, you've to check your log.txt in order to understand which library is missing. All those libraries must be placed/installed/unzipped into the Custom Scenery folder.
  10. Maybe you're right, but I really see the winglet shape distorted in the same way the rudder is.
  11. Hi Hobofat, which resolution are you using in full screen mode? It would be interesting to know even the resolution in windowed mode, in order to make a comparison.
  12. It's quite noticeable that the winglet is strangely affected by the exhaust stream.
  13. I haven't said the 787 must be updated, but as per 10.30 release notes I think there're a lot of changes (OpenGL and datarefs as first) that should be tested...
  14. I think that with the 10.30 beta available Michael will now need some time in order to test everything. I think also we'll have to wait until the final release, without beta or pre-release versions.
  15. Upgraded both my installation on my dual-boot hackintosh system, different download sizes (little bit more than 400Mb for windows and little bit more than 600Mb for OSX) starting from a clean 10.25... after I've deleted preferences folder in order to start with a 'clean' installation (no plugins installed as I was waiting for this release) I'm noticing that after the first start FPS on OSX are about 34/35 and on windows are at 19. Of course this is the very first launch so lot of tests are to be done!
  16. I don't understand that shoot, why those buildings are so near to the runway? Which scenery is that?
  17. That's very strange, I checked right now and the installer find update servers in no time... as I don't know if I can publish some informations I'll send you a PM right now in order to do a test.
  18. Hello Anthony, go to http://www.x-plane.com/downloads/x-plane_10_installer-updater/ and get the latest installer for Mac, after that you should be able to upgrade your installation. As you're running a very old version the best/must is to let the installer overwrite all files that were changed, if any. Angelo
  19. @Tony since alpha tests I launch the code with this command line: java -d64 -Xms2g -Xmx12g -jar World2XPlane.jar I'll add your first two parameters in order to test them (I'll exclude -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy as I already assign 12Gb), thank you.
  20. I have 16Gb ram and I use 12Gb ( -Xmx12g) ram for generations since day 1 of alpha tests, never used local storage and peak was 6455Mb. I'll have to test it again changing some parameters, even to understand what 0.3.1 do more than 0.2.0. Tony, any clues about command line parameters?
  21. Mine is <processor-threads>4</processor-threads>, as per default config.xml. But now, using that parameter, it's slower than generations done with 0.2.0 version that should not be multicore-enabled, so I wonder why.
  22. Hi Tony, I'm testing the 0.3.1 right now using the same .pbf files I tested before but it seems slower than previous versions, how exactly works the <processor-threads> parameter? Is that number related only to physical cores or even to virtual ones (HyperThreading)? There's also a tutorial where command line parameters, such -Xms2g, are explained? Thanks in advance!
  23. Could I kindly suggest to specify even 'where', not only 'what'? I see a lot of wonderful places and airports but no clues about them.
  24. Quoting what Tom said almost one month ago: Some months for the FMS programming then several months for beta testing and other: I think we'll have to wait until the end of 2014, maybe it will be ready just for Christmas.
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