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Everything posted by puffy

  1. @Jose Almeida Are you saying that the new weather system in XP 10.50 although written by Joan is not handled the same way that his plugin works?
  2. Between the Skymaxx developers and the beta testers here I wonder if my question would be answered. My question is, how does the weather system in X-Plane 10.50 compare to that of the NOAA plug-in by Joan? I have read that XP 10.50 was to have an improved weather system and that it seems to incorporate what the NOAA plug-in has provided. Would it be recommended to not use the NOAA plug-in with XP 10.50? (As full disclosure I cannot make the comparison myself at this time as my CPU, or possibly the PSU, has failed in the computer that I use for X-Plane. I am curious about the weather system differences nonetheless.) Thank you.
  3. I've been flying a REP enabled plane but am looking forward to flying the Piaggio once again after your new work has been released. Thanks for posting updates on the progress.
  4. Locations of the screenshots (taken by betterScreenshot):
  5. Thx. It was X-Plane 10.32 w/ HD Mesh v3 (and Carenado C340). That is all.
  6. I am itching for the "buy" button!
  7. Oh hmm. I've been running the betas of iOS 8 on my old iPhone 4S and haven't had that problem. I hope it isn't a problem with the new iPhone design.
  8. Problems like that lean me towards suggesting a wipe and new install of ios. Then restore from a backup. Over the air updates are overlays of the files where as using iTunes you do get the option to wipe and install. I moved from an iPhone 4S to a Samsung Galaxy S3 a couple of years ago. I am ready to go back to an iPhone. I appreciate the larger screen (4.7") of my Samsung but am annoyed at the OS. The iPhone 6 is looking very good to me.
  9. Moderators: If this post is way too off topic for this site feel free to delete it. I went to visit the ".org" site moments ago and Chrome reported that the forums at the .org site may contain malware. Are other people getting this alert also?
  10. Increase your gamma
  11. Thank you for the excellent information provided. It has made me reconsider the tools of my goal but not the goal! I am researching flight schools now and hope to have something lined up in the next month. My intent is for personal travel and not commercial in the sense of transporting paying passengers but that does exclude the sport pilot class. I may resurrect this thread as questions arise. Once again, thank you.
  12. $250K. I understand the saying about "out flying your passengers!"
  13. I am wanting to purchase a plane. I am putting the cart in front of the horse as I am not licensed yet though my plan is to start flying lessons this summer. Knowing what kind of aircraft would fit the bill, so to speak, will allow me to prepare for the eventual plane I wish to acquire. If money were not the object I think the Piaggio P180 would be the ideal aircraft. Once again thank you for the information you have provided. I have found it valuable.
  14. Good information. 4 pax is doable. Refueling stops are also acceptable. I was trying to come up with a short list of small aircraft that would meet the requirement straight away. Now onto list two of alternative aircraft taking into consideration smaller range. The 6 pax would still be nice.
  15. I am attempting to identify a few, or one, small aircraft that has at least a 850 nm range. It would be ideal if it could handle six passengers (well, pilot + 5 pax). The Cessna 185F Skywagon peaked my curiosity but I cannot fully determine if it has that range. Do you have a suggestion for me to look at? Thanks,
  16. What a great plane! I have seen one flying around my home airport recently. Now I know what type of aircraft I've seen!
  17. Without hi-jacking this thread too much was there a particular minimum rendering setting to achieve this effect? I do not see a reference to it in the beta wiki notes: http://www.x-plane.com/?article=x-plane-10-30-release-notes
  18. Is that the result of a plug-in or the new 10.30 beta series?
  19. Piaggio P180, landing KFJK
  20. The RTH along with other scripts that rely on Fly With Lua go inside of the "Scripts" folder of the FlyWithLua folder in plugins. If you installed the program properly you should have a directory tree similar to this: «place where you store the sim»/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/
  21. I have been able to reproduce an oddity. I can start X-Plane at KJFK and the runway and road lights are all visible from distances and appear correct. If I then switch to a different airport, via the menu bar "Select Global Airport" option, the runway lights and road lights display the problem in which they are only visible at close range. I am not at my computer at the moment but when I do have an opportunity I will upload my X-Plane log file and also list out the few plug-in packages I have installed.
  22. Austin emailed the x-plane news mailing list and stated that X-Plane 10.30 Beta 1 will be released for public beta very soon. He said that this release "[...] will all be “making it work just perfectly” type features to really dial X-Plane in to the point that it is doing the job it needs to do, free of bugs or other quirkiness that make complex programs difficult to use." He did add that " the feature-list is simply extraordinarily huge" Get your updater ready.
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