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About cozydvr

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. WOW!!! I havent been so full of anticipation since I was a child!!! ... I "read" those toy catalogs with a religous ferver ... its a wonder if I could even eat supper ... ... such anticipation! I do wonder what level of machine one would need, especially with X-Plane_10 just around the corner. (of which I anticipted 10s release at Oshkosh ) With the release of multi-thread machines, as many as 12 for a six core machine (and I dont really know about Intels Sandy bridge machines) I would assume the more the better; could this be a problem for a machine with only two threads. I would also think the instulation of a fair sized SSD would be a big help. My guess is this software is biased toward a minimum of 4 threads (8 would be better) and lots of memory. Real Scenery has developed the nack to provide detail at 1500 to 2500 feet and yet not slow the machine down. If we hapen to move this new scenery package to another drive (in order to work with another package (non sim related) will we loose anything when we need to move NORCAL back to the orignal drive to whince it was downloaded) or will we have to pay a new download charge? I beleive this to be the "Best yet" of all scenery fo X-Plane ... just cant wait!!! Gene cozydvr PS: will we be able to purchase a CD/DVD of the full package? Moving files back and forth can be a difficult thing; the added security would bring peace of mind. : Gene
  2. Its good top be brought up to speed in such a kind manner; I guess in many ways I have become older and more ignorant than in my "days of summer" ... ie... youth. Technology does that to a person not in the fast lane any more. I love VFR flying; IFR to punch you through some thin layers, then VFR on top till the weather clears. YIPPIEE! Once you have seen the world from the "3rd" dimension ... ie ... altitude, your prespective changes for ever. Thats all I was lookinf for. I have no desire to circumvent(SP?) rights and wishes of others for my own gain. Any hints or ideas of how I can create photo realistic scenery for un published areas would be greatly appreciated. Its been a long time since I studied software ... back then it was called Computer Science ... and there was only C with Fortran as the biggie ... but Im rambling, sorry. Thanks for the heads up. Gene Hi, Gene, I've dealt with you a number of times on behind the scenes to know you're a kind hearted and well spirited individual, so I know you don't mean for ill intention here. With that said, G2XPL was removed at the request and pressure of Google because it violates many policies Google has. We do not condone asking for or distribution of this type of software, so please refrain from doing so here. I know your intentions are well, and I hate to rain on the parade. It's a fine line we walk, and I'll just be the gentle informer instead.
  3. In referance to your post (below) of flying with photo realistic scenery (Real Scenery is the best you know) there are places which one would like to fly that photo real has not been developed. I have seen the BlueSkyScenery converted to XP (a large memory load) and have looked for G2XPL but been unable to obtain a copy. I live in Alabama, of which some of the land is quite beautiful to fly over ... especiall near 3M5 (Moontown airport) which is a privately owned public airport with a great EAA Chapter and lots of activity. I would like to use G2XPL to view this part of the good ole USA in photo real scenery. Do you have a copy of the G2XPL plugin you couls send me? the Dot_org pulled it some time ago. Any help you could give will be greately appreciated. I like to think of trhese kind of things in the EAA way; where we all help each other in order to promote aviation, especially those willing to produce an aircraft at home(built). I look forward to hearing from you. My e-mail address is listed in the member "catalog" All The Best Gene Cozydvr
  4. To all of You who have created the Northern California package, my humble thanks. Kudos innumeram!!! I still love to fly the old X-Plane Freeware package out of Mojave in HD (so to speak) with Scaled Composites and all the other hangers; its still great, ... I can even find Burt Rutans House!!! (although I'm sure he doesn't want that to be a big public thing) Every one will have a section (no pun intended) they wish had been included. lets see ... for the old SOCAL scenery, flying fm Mojave up the Tahachapi (L94) valley, it would have been nice for that package to go all the way to Bakersfield (so where does one stop?) and of course, once at Balersfield, who wouldnt want to call One Six Right at Van Nuys (VNY). When it comes to the New Washington State package, just 40 some miles from Spokane is Coeur D'Alene ID (S76), one of the most beautiful places I know of ... that I like. And there is the rub; we should be thankful these packages cover as large an area as a state. California's borders, having been determined by the posibility of GOLD in "them thar hills", explains why the Owen's valley is in California at all, and why there is that funny crook in the Eastern border. Where am I going with all this? It is my beleif that the designer has to make a lot of descisions in creating an area (and how it will fit in his un spoken design criteria (SP?)). Personally, the concept of "sections" based on the long - lat lines makes perfect sence. ... and is far more expandable when considering a/our complete country than just adding this little pet location, here and there. And Yet, from the kindness of their heart(s) that is excatly what has been done as well. Asotin, Portland, Hood River, Goldendale, Mcnary Dam, all included in the Washington state package fall beyond the state border but are included because, in my mind at least, the designer(s) said "wouldn't it be great if went just a little father (pick a direction) and included (fill in the blank)"! Why would I include Coeur D'Alene ID, in Washington (as well as Jean NV in Las Vegas), its because I know some one there and know what a hot bed of homebuilding that airport is ... and having been there, and know how beautiful it is. When we set the weather to remind us of "its a beautiful day", none of us would set San Diago to "June Gloom" ... the overcast month no one likes ... Why does the EAA exist at all? Because, inside each heart, there beats the love of flying, and all that entails in the man who says "I love it! Thats why I do it"! I'm thankful these guys love the same thing I do, dreamed the dream, and knew how to implement in a software package for the rest of us. OK, I have rattled on (like a can of rocks) to long for anyones first post, so I must go. So to all of you All The Best Gene cozydvr (thats Cozy Driver ... not diver) ;-) : Geno PS: I couldnt find a Spell Checker ... its one of my short commings, sorry: Geno I am just elatted NORCAL comes as far south as it does!!! ... nuff said.
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