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Everything posted by mcgw

  1. Awesome! Thank you. Loving it.
  2. Hi All, I've been researching rudder trim a little. Is the following correct: 1) The rudder trim in the Cessna Covalis is a manual adjustment physically made on the exterior of the aircraft? (meaning you do not adjust the trim from the cockpit) 2) Furthermore, if this is correct, in order to simulate the Corvalis I should never adjust the rudder trim in flight? Is that correct? 3) I was unable to find a rudder trim indication in the cockpit. The POH references "Rudder Hold Switch"... where is this switch located in the aircraft? I could not find it on any diagrams. Very newbie here, learning a lot and having fun. Thanks in advance. Matt
  3. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    Thanks Andy; I adjusted the aileron trim and have achieved level flight with hands off the stick! Now I need to find out how to display the rudder trim... lol still learning Thanks again for the help! Kindest Regards, Matt
  4. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    Femke, hmmmm... so you think it may not be the trim? could be the software?
  5. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    Hi Rick, I think you are on to something here... The joystick works perfect flying the Cirrus TheJet!!! It was a dream to fly; pretty awesome. This is a huge relief, but tells me I'm ignorant of how to correct my settings/trim to fly the JGX Corvalis TT. I'm a brand spanking newbie, and not a pilot. I'm guessing I need to research adjustment of the rudder/aileron trim settings... which I know nothing about, but would love to learn Am I correct? Any great resources you know of? Thanks in advance, and thanks for helping to troubleshoot my hardware and identifying there are nos issues with it. Kindest Regards, Matt.
  6. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

  7. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    It rolls (and taxi's) to the left at all throttle levels. Even just a touch of throttle and it will taxi left, and always rolls left.
  8. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    ....this is with the Null zone set at 67% in the Cessana 172, still huge left roll
  9. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    ...and this is with the Null zone set at 31%... (in the Cessna 172) ...the aircraft rolls left at a slower rate, but the end result is the same...hellp??? lol just trying to learn man. thanks everybody
  10. mcgw

    Joystick (Left Roll)

    Same thing in a Cessna 172, FYI (screen shot attached)
  11. Preface: I'm a newbie, but I searched other forums and the solutions have not worked for me. My joystick pulls to the left constantly. When in the air or when I taxi on the runway. The joystick is a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. This is the only controller I'm using which controlls: Pitch, Roll, Rudder and Throttle. I configured the Joystick Throttle using the "Throttle" setting in the Axis settings (not the Throttle 1,2,3 etc.) The aircraft is the JGX Cessna C400 (Corvalis). Anyone else encounter this? I've calibrated to no avail. Any clues? I hope its something simple. Many thanks in advance. Matt P.S. I tolerated the Joystick issue up until this point because I was focusing on the ATC communications and the Garmin navigation system, filing a flight plan and using the autopilot (just FYI, in case you wonder why I wait until now to address). Again, thanks so much friends. I attached of photo of the aircraft when the joystick is in centered position. (Yes, I centered it using the settings tab... again, to no avail).
  12. mcgw


    Okay, looks like I need to work with the flight director mode to accomplish this. Thanks for the direction. Matt
  13. mcgw


  14. Hi, I'm flying the Cessna Corvalis (I am a brand new newbie). I was curious about the autopilot function. I've sucessfully filed a flight plan and engaged the autopilot. My question is regarding attainment of the desired altitude. Currently, I instruct the autopilot to hold a specific pitch, and when my desired altitude is reached, I insruct the autopilot to hold the altitude (and this works great); however, I was wondering if there was a way to program a specific altitutde and the autopilot would transition from pitch mode to hold mode on its own. Just curious if the capability is there. If it is I can look up how to do it with a little direction (I learn that way). Thanks in advance. Matt
  15. mcgw

    Com Radio Frequency

    Yup! That's what I found. Thanks again for your help. Matt
  16. mcgw

    Com Radio Frequency

    Ha, I found it! I didn't have the proper icon highlighted. Yay!!! Thank you all so much.
  17. mcgw

    Com Radio Frequency

    I'm using X-Plane 10. Thank you for the replies. So I've pulled up the map and highlighted the airport in red, but I still don't see the COM frequency. In the X-Plane manual, it says the KSEA frequency is 128.0; however, I don't see that frequency listed on my local map. I attached a screenshot which hill help. Thanks again.
  18. I am very brand new to this, and am not a pilot, but figured it would be a good starting point of interest. I'm following my manual and it has me complete a flight from KSEA and it provides me the tower com radio frequency, but how do I find the com radio frequency for any airport? Say I wanted to depart from KFTW, where do I go to find the Tower Com Radio Frequency? Thanks in advance. Matt
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