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Everything posted by blacky75

  1. guys, the library exclusion LOOKS like working fine :-) And, the fences are working too... I designed it fastly, just for test purpose... AAAAAND? -> and the second type, still home designed: Good job tony!
  2. I'll close my eyes on the rest... but.... do you know that alot of sceneries are library dependend? I mean, it's nonesens what you say... Looks like you need a full all in one solution :-) It's a dream ;-)
  3. @Tom: I'll try to not let it sound hard, but it's difficult ^^ Well, here my vision of your posting (might be wrong, but that's how it comes over the net): You come, you take (program), you moan around that the program is worthless and is not functionning and you post 100 of text lines (instead of zipping it as attachment), we are trying to help again a person who didn't read, neither read his own log to understand whats going on, then suddently it works, not even a thank you back (where mine was ironic for closing your case, but looks like you didn't noticed it). Well, again, we don't see you, we can't hear you, we can only read and interpret your doings, which looks wrong. Now again, my sentence in bold, because that's what comes over, not saying you are bad or anything like that, but for me it lacks of kinf of respect in the communications... hope you get what I mean. Now I'm sure in real world it wouldn't look like this, but.. this is the internet world ;-) Never the less, if you have further problems, we will help you out with pleasure of course, but please, try to see what we are getting... it's not as it would be payware and are obliged to anything anyway. It's free, and first of all: it is far from being finished: it's in BETA, for test and constructive feedback of users, to clean out problems, not discover already existent and notified ones. We already talked about leaving this to more 'experts' than to every 'beginner', adding too much things to clear. Hope it runs at your side now any way, and you're happy of what you get :-) You should also check out the problems still under investigation, cause there are still problems. Thanks again for reading
  4. Thank you very much Tom for closing you case
  5. Hi again Tom... I suggest to read carefully all instructions, on Tony's site. Don't forget that it runs fine on other users. You wrote: I'd have prefer to read ... all answers are on tony's site. It's clear and easy. If I understood well you're a dev, so it shouldn't be much difficult. Hope i didn't sound harsh, it's quite tricky to get things/feelings over the net by written posts ^^ It's a friendly posting of course ;-) Thank you for reading
  6. read it all through.... if we are all able to run it, you must also be able then. You've missed a point somewhere... ;-) Good luck
  7. at first sight I'd say you didn't installed the world-models into the custom folder... right? -- > http://simheaven.com/experimental/world-models-master.7z
  8. I guess measures up to 20x20 should be finished by the week-end...
  9. thnks Here more pics, now all +300 house models together... lined up cause I just made copy/pasts under OSM, with all dimensions I have, at the moment :-)
  10. Hi all Still busy since a good week now, building 3D houses for World2Xplane... I'm on 364 so far, covering all 20 base measure from 6x5 up to 10x10 meters... They are all unique. 4 different blacks for roofs, 4 different Red for roofs, and around 16 different wall textures, plus different windows, doors, attic windows, chimneys, ..... Basements to avoid floating houses, the possibility to add or change textures, etc... Here under some example of the result. To come: covering houses up to 20x20, appartments up to 16 stages, .... and dirtying the textures a bit ;-) Still alot to to,but on the OSM scene it starts to grow :-) All will be freely put into the World-Models for use with World2Xplane. Keep you informed
  11. here the next bunch...
  12. still have a lot of houses to build... then rework the texture to get the houses look more real, dirty..... then build some abandoned and older looking..... ^^ well, a collegue asked me what I'll do in my actual 2 weeks holiday days... ^^
  13. my contribution so far, 94 different house-models in colors, chapes and measures... more to come ;-) Once I get a descent pack I'll put the first bunch online.
  14. The main problem, AJ, and don't get it wrong, is that every one has such excuses: no time. So if nobody makes an effort it won't advance at all Now in my oponion if you where able to sign in here and post, there's no doubt that you can add houses under openstreet map. There is even a plugin to josm which makes adding buildings in only 2 mouse clicks (you just need to draw rectangles, that's all) for the basic part. So, we all have the same time, just a question on how to use it wisely ...
  15. Don't be wrong, there is a LOT to do... specially if there is an empty place you want 2 b filled out, nobody will do it Laminar won ' t do anything bout osm. Grab the free prg JOSM, d/l your empty area with it and go fill it We can all be contributors, or not Happy editing
  16. a flight over Köln (DE)... well it became a slide show, with such bad fps :)
  17. France, made with beta 1.2 is online. Happy test-flight!
  18. France is in rendering state ;-) Might take a while!
  19. adding a translator might help ^^ I'd say, for the moment, it's just minor
  20. add an option in your soft where the user you can choose -not applying any colors, -applying as they are, -or using a pastel palette :-) that would be perfect
  21. maybe they had color info in OSM? Tony can awnser this maybe more precisely.
  22. put some nice pics online of RUSSIA here -> http://world2xplane.com/scenery/ .... they've got load of OSM data too. here just one of 'em...
  23. personaly I prefer the Nürnberg scenery with surrounding fürth... Not that the OSM version is ugly, but the scenery is more what it looks like, as it was dedicated specially to that region ^^
  24. beta1.... but I think the only difference with beta1.1 was about something else, not noticable here. You can get DE and fly around ;-)
  25. the german data is under the german folder.... all under http://simheaven.com/experimental/Europe/Germany/ A full version (one big file download) might be available tomorrow. Pilotbalu will do it. For france I'm waiting the Beta 1.2, maybe tomorrow too.... ;-)
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