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Everything posted by insomnia

  1. Hard work buddy. That's all it needs
  2. Soon zodiaqck, very soon , probably the upcoming week
  3. The aircraft is almost ready!! More images coming!
  4. Hello! Well the software is the 3ds max 2013 design and blender and i applying materials in the scene. Sometimes i using solidworks as an aerospace engineer, import into the 3ds max, and final touches from photoshop and thats it my friend. I glad you like it! In mean time the plane is going very well. Very soon i will start the texturing process. More photos coming.
  5. And the joystick.
  6. Today i finished the stick, and some parts. i hope you like it!
  7. Thanks. Today i planing to finish the cockpit. I will update soon with more images.
  8. Progress of the Pilatus PC-21
  9. Firend Spacedust correct!! Pilatus PC-21 training aircraft. You win 50% discount on this aircraft.sent me a private message to notify you further. By the way i uploading photos of the progress of aircraft. Every comment is useful. Thanks!
  10. Carlos no it's not the TB30. Zodiaqck the plane should be ready to flight very soon!!! The first who will guess right the name of the plane he get 50% off discount.
  11. No my friend is not the T-6.
  12. Training Aircraft under development, i hope you like it! Can you guess which plane is it?
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