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Everything posted by Fortkentdad

  1. I have also wondered whether it is better to get one of those gaming keypads like the Logitech G13 (on sale for $69) or Razer's Orbweaver ($129) But I suppose for that kind of money I can get a full keyboard with lots of buttons, but still something to consider - anyone use on of these in their Flight Sim?
  2. I'm thinking I 'need' a new gamers keyboard. (Need is such a subjective term). I've been looking at the various options out there. I'm thinking I might like one of those mechanical keyboard that the gamers rave about. Or not? I'm driving through the city next week on my way to Jasper and will get a chance to take a break (its a six hour drive and Edmonton is half way) and I'll stop into Memory Express and see if I can get a chance to get my fingers onto some of the various keyboards to see how they feel. Hopefully they will have some I can try out. Anyway, I'm thinking that a keyboard with extra macro keys (sometimes called "G-Keys") might be useful in X-Plane. I've already discovered the advantage of using my Logitech Gamepad as an extra set of buttons and axis which can be configured in X-Plane. (Apparently I've won another gamepad through an on-line contest I entered, a Thrustmaster GP XID, which should come by mail from the U.K. - I'll believe it when I get it). If I can use both gamepads that adds a bunch more buttons. But for the moment I'm asking for recommendations for keyboards. I did notice that there are Logitech keyboards with an LCD screen and that might come in useful - or not. I'm afraid that my keyboard sits on a keyboard tray and that LCD screen would be very hard to see. The idea of profiles is also interesting - one might want a different profile for different aircraft - the buttons you'd want on a cessna may vary from a 747 eh? Of course it has to light up, just because that is too cool. And having a built in USB hub would be nice. Top contenders are: Logitech's G110 (on sale lately for $65) - offers 12 programmable G-Keys and generally gets good reviews but a few people have reported it is cheaply made. I could save my pennies and hope for a huge sale on the G19 - $249 - on sale this week for $170 but much more than I had hoped to pay. ... Gigabyte's Aivia Osmium - apparently an ossume keyboard, mechanical with five programable keys but they are up on top and not off to the side. It is mechanical and comes in at $114 on sale this week. Hmmmm I have a Razer DeathAdder mouse and like it, I've looked at Razer keyboards - reviews seem to be mixed though. I would not want one of the ones that glows green - just not my thing. The Anansi and the Lycosa both look good, neither are mechanical. The Black Widow Ultimate is mechanical. The non-mechanicals come in around $70, add $20-30 for their mechanical ones. They have quite a range of different keyboards. Saitek does offer keyboards, but the Cyborg V7 lights up green and red like a Christmas tree - very gawdy looking. But it offers lots of buttons - apparently by putting them right on the outside edges (left & right) they are prone to accident touches when you want to move your keyboard or reach for your mouse, so probably not. Corsairs K90 keyboard gets good reviews and offers 18 G-Keys x 3 profiles so you have 54 buttons you can configure - enough for a 747 I'd say. The reviews fault Corsair for mixing mechanical and non-mechanical keys (the G-Keys and a few others are not mechanical). But overall it looks like a winner and users seem to like it for the most part. It can be had for about $120.00 Currently I'm using a Microsoft Digital Media keyboard and use a MS Ergonomic one at work which I like but I don't type so much on my home keyboard like I do at work so ergonomics is not such a big deal. So - what do you key on?
  3. I love free stuff and have downloaded a few files for my X-Plane program. Some come with an entry to be put into MACOSX and some don't. What's this file for? I'm guessing it may have something to do with running Xplane on an Apple system (MAC - OS ?) or not? I'm using Windows but faithful extract and upload the Macosx files if they come with the download, do I need to or is this as I suspect for the MAC users out there?
  4. I use a TM T-Flight Hotas X controller, supplement that with a Logitech gamepad for extra buttons and axis (use for views & zoom). I'm thinking of getting a gamers keyboard with more buttons but have not decided which one yet. Headphones are critical for late night flights. I really enjoy the wide screen effect - that's 55" across, I'm running at 4800x900 resolution.
  5. Just joined the forum today. Only been "flying" flight sims for a few months now, just getting the hang of it. Previous experience was decades ago with more arcade style programs - I remember a few combat helicopter style games but have not 'flown' for a long time. I have a few flight sims, most notably X-Plane and FSX Gold, I also have IL*2 Cliffs of Dover. Of the batch X-Plane seems to be head and shoulders above the others. And it has the added bonus of working in Windows 8. I found many games did not and so had to configure my new PC to run either Windows 8 or Windows 7. I have lots of questions that come up as I learn to fly and will be digging through your forum to see what answers I might find.
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