Hi guys I watched the dark cockpit video. Stunning. Two trivial comments from what I can see so far: 1. When you turn on the battery master, you don't get the pilot's PFD/MFD, only the two EICAS displays and chimes as a stack of cautions/warnings are posted. The DC essential bus which powers the left PFD/MFD can only be powered by the battery while airborne, or on the ground if the ADG handle is pulled (you pull the handle even after the ADG auto deploys to make sure the left displays won't blank out when you land). The airplane is still totally quiet (no avionics cooling). After the APU is running and you turn the generator on, everything comes alive at once with a big whoosh and a low roar as the cooling fans and start up and all the displays start. It's a really cool moment. 2. This is really anal, but if you're going for 99.9% realism... when you operate the bleed switch lights for 10th and 14th, the isolation, LCV etc., the lights and status messages don't come on immediately, because the light is actual commanded position of the valve itself. So there should be a lag from the time the switch is pushed to when the light comes on when the valve has finished moving, about a second. I really hope this sim fixes two major flight model deficiencies with the RJ in FSX/Wilco: 1. The roll due to yaw characteristics in FSX is hopeless. In FSX a swept wing a/c behaves like a straight wing with a very mild roll if yawing. The RJ rolls quite nicely with very small amount of yaw and if you do nothing when an engine quits it will be on its back in seconds. The first time doing engine cuts in the sim were a real eye opener, coming from a small piston twin before it. This also makes it difficult to do crosswind landings realistically, which you do using small aircraft sideslip technique in the RJ and it takes a fair amount of aileron to get the sideslip going. If you capture the roll/yaw couple behavior accurately it would be fantastic. 2. The Wilco RJ has way too much pitch change with trust changes. There is barely perceptable pitch down with added thrust in approach config and a slightly stronger pitch up when you go to idle, but nothing like it is in Wilco. Also the pitch attitude on final is a couple degrees too high at Vref with Wilco. That's it for now. Cheers John