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Everything posted by Stent

  1. Yet in the Org in Down thread earlier today you say that you've logged back on to the Org using a different account to confirm that a thread you posted under your original identity is still there. So you're not really banned by IP address. Or, I must say, for a "67 year old grandmother" you demonstrate remarkable dexterity in circumventing such a ban.
  2. Missed this before. STMA.
  3. Which is why it isn't.
  4. Well, that was fast. It didn't take long at all for Cameron the Linguistic Gymnast to show up! "He thinks he's clever with words, but it's usually just B.S to cover his ass." is what I've heard. In this case call it deliberate exaggeration and hyperbole. To question the accuracy of one statement is not synonymous with declaring the person who made it "a liar." Period.
  5. I don't buy it. xDave has his problems but there's more to this, I'm sure. For whatever reason most Org Store complaints get locked, or locked and deleted. Fine. Whatever. But users are not additionally banned for what you have described.
  6. Or maybe pumpkins. Concrete? The letter Q.
  7. Sounds like good advice for life generally.
  8. At least one developer is saying it was a hack. Maybe attempted hack is a better way to put it. What a disaster if all those files are gone.
  9. Hi Pete. Sorry for the spamming. But you really can't put a jar of treats labeled "Rants--Super Hot!" on a countertop next to a sign that says, "May only be tasted by people willing to say something--anything!--30 times!" Why 30? Why not three? 10? Why impose any threshold? Anyway, Pete, no more spamming your thread, I promise. (The answer by the way is, yeah, pretty damned complicated.)
  10. Hello. Relatively new to X-Plane. Org is down so here I am. Not able to get into chat though.
  11. Interesting.
  12. Google Reader dumped. Feedly booms! Org hacked. x-pilot membership soars!
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