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FPS testing for fun and profit

chris k

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So,you wanna run some benchmarks, using standard settings, that anyone can run, eh?




Short Answer:


Delete Preferences

Remove Joysticks


X-Plane  --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=1

X-Plane  --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=2

X-Plane  --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=3

X-Plane  --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=4

X-Plane  --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=5


FPS results are in Log.txt




Long Answer:


Ok, lets do some housekeeping first.


1. Remove/rename your Output/preferences folder (call it old_preferences)


This clears out any rendering options /screen size options you may have


2. Unplug any Joysticks/HID Devbices


This is so you dont get the "I found a Joystick!" Requestor; due to Instruction #1 above.


3. Open a command Line




Run -> cmd




Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app (or do like we all do in MacOSX and run from spotlight:  i.e. Command-Space,  T E R <enter> =) )


Linux users:


...you should already know what a shell is.




4. Change directory to wherever your X-plane install is


Windows users:


cd Desktop

cd X-Pla<tab>  (it autocompletes for spaces)

If your X-Plane install is elsewhere, go find it! =)




In Terminal, type "cd <space>"

Find your X-Plane folder in FInder

Drag and Drop the X_Plane.app icon into the Terminal

OSX will fill out the location for you (this also works in Windows these days)

Hit Enter, you should now be sitting in:


user@computer:/Some directory/X-Plane.app>


"cd Contents/MacOS"

you should now be in:

user@computer:/Some Directory/X-Plane.app/Contents/MacOS>




You guys already know what you're doing.




5. Fire up X-Plane with the standard tests, using a c4 replay file that Laminar was kind enough to include:




X-Plane.exe --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=N

... where N = 1 to 5




/X-Plane --load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=N

... where N = 1 to 5



....Bah, Nevermind...





Ok - Here's the options we're calling:


--load_smo=Output/replays/test_flight_c4.fdr --fps_test=N


Here's what each --fps_test= setting does:


--fps_test=1DEMO_SETTING renopt_volume_fog 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_shadows_06 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_per_pix_liting 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_for_05 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_obj_06 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_vec_03 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_scattering 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR_antial 0--fps_test=2DEMO_SETTING renopt_volume_fog 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_shadows_06 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_per_pix_liting 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_for_05 2DEMO_SETTING renopt_obj_06 3DEMO_SETTING renopt_vec_03 2DEMO_SETTING renopt_scattering 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR_antial 0--fps_test=3DEMO_SETTING renopt_volume_fog 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_shadows_06 6DEMO_SETTING renopt_per_pix_liting 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_for_05 3DEMO_SETTING renopt_obj_06 6DEMO_SETTING renopt_vec_03 3DEMO_SETTING renopt_scattering 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR_antial 1--fps_test=4DEMO_SETTING renopt_volume_fog 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_shadows_06 6DEMO_SETTING renopt_per_pix_liting 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_for_05 3DEMO_SETTING renopt_obj_06 6DEMO_SETTING renopt_vec_03 3DEMO_SETTING renopt_scattering 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR_antial 0--fps_test=5DEMO_SETTING renopt_volume_fog 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_shadows_06 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_per_pix_liting 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_for_05 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_obj_06 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_vec_03 0DEMO_SETTING renopt_scattering 1DEMO_SETTING renopt_HDR_antial 2


Your results will be in your X-Plane/Log.txt file like such: (you gotta look for it), in there with everything else....


FRAMERATE TEST: time=92.8, frames=4282, fps=46.13GPU LOAD: time=92.8, wait=3.2, load=3.4%


Repeat until nauseous.


Post results here. Include a small preamble of what system you're using. Use the <code> BBTags </code> so it all lines up nicely.


Here's Mine:


SYS: MacPro 2009 MacPro4,1 (Flashed to 2010 EFI -> MacPro 5,1)CPU: 2.93 GHz Quad Core 45-nm Xeon W3540 (Nehalem "Bloomfield")RAM: 12 Gb DDR3 1066 Mhz RAMGPU: nVidia GTX670 2Gb (non-overclocked)OS:  OSX 10.8.2 x641FRAMERATE TEST: time=92.9, frames=3643, fps=39.20GPU LOAD: time=92.9, wait=3.4, load=3.7%1024x768 GPU Driver Version: (304.00.05f02)2FRAMERATE TEST: time=93.3, frames=2525, fps=27.07GPU LOAD: time=93.3, wait=2.2, load=2.4%1024x768 GPU Driver Version: (304.00.05f02)3FRAMERATE TEST: time=94.7, frames=2051, fps=21.65GPU LOAD: time=94.7, wait=1.9, load=2.0%1024x768 GPU Driver Version: (304.00.05f02)4FRAMERATE TEST: time=94.9, frames=2130, fps=22.45GPU LOAD: time=94.9, wait=1.2, load=1.3%1024x768 GPU Driver Version: (304.00.05f02)5FRAMERATE TEST: time=92.8, frames=4282, fps=46.13GPU LOAD: time=92.8, wait=3.2, load=3.4%1024x768 GPU Driver Version: (304.00.05f02)

- CK.

Edited by chris k
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Same system, under Bootcamp/Win7x64

SYS: MacPro 2009 MacPro4,1 (Flashed to 2010 EFI -> MacPro 5,1)CPU: 2.93 GHz Quad Core 45-nm Xeon W3540 (Nehalem "Bloomfield")RAM: 12 Gb DDR3 1066 Mhz RAMGPU: nVidia GTX670 2Gb (non-overclocked)OS:  Win7 Ultimate x64test 1FRAMERATE TEST: time=92.9, frames=6599, fps=71.05GPU LOAD: time=92.9, wait=2.6, load=2.8%1024x768 - nVIDIA Driver 310.70test 2FRAMERATE TEST: time=93.8, frames=3181, fps=33.90GPU LOAD: time=93.8, wait=5.3, load=5.7%1024x768 - nVIDIA Driver 310.70test 3FRAMERATE TEST: time=93.9, frames=2749, fps=29.29GPU LOAD: time=93.9, wait=2.3, load=2.5%1024x768 - nVIDIA Driver 310.70test 4FRAMERATE TEST: time=93.5, frames=3010, fps=32.19GPU LOAD: time=93.5, wait=1.0, load=1.1%1024x768 - nVIDIA Driver 310.70test 5FRAMERATE TEST: time=92.8, frames=8104, fps=87.33GPU LOAD: time=92.8, wait=1.4, load=1.5%1024x768 - nVIDIA Driver 310.70


Yep - Much speed to be had under nVidia Windows drivers...

Edited by chris k
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Phew - Finally got my Apple DevID stuff sorted with Apple Developer Support. 5 days of back-and-forth of "what browser are you using?" when they messed up my download

rights after paying the requisite $100 to get into the programme... sigh...


I even sent them screenshots - to demonstrate the issue that "My rights are messed up", not an "I don't know where the page is" problem which tookk them 5 days to understand:


post-5973-0-72141600-1356734095_thumb.pn   post-5973-0-17301600-1356734088_thumb.pn   post-5973-0-94340800-1356734078_thumb.pn   post-5973-0-61660200-1356734058_thumb.pn


....Reminds me of the Sirius Cybernetix Corporation (i.e. Definition: "a bunch of clueless jerks who will be first to the wall when the revolution comes" - Douglas Adams).


Latest 10.8.3 Developer (12D44 - Dec 2012) release now installing in my "Test Boot" Environment. Results shortly.

Edited by chris k
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Bad news: Instancing still Broken.


Good News: Check out these results:


10.8.2 = Latest nVidia WebDrivers:       304.00.05f0210.8.3 = New Apple-Shipping Drivers:     304.10.65b07______________________________________________________Test    10.8.2     10.8.3      Increase1024x7681    fps=39.20    fps=45.21    15.3%2    fps=27.07    fps=31.29    15.5%3    fps=21.65    fps=25.31    16.9%4    fps=22.45    fps=26.81    19.4%5    fps=46.13    fps=53.88    16.8%______________________________________________________1920x12001    fps=35.57    fps=42.71    20.0%2    fps=20.50    fps=23.95    16.8%3    fps=15.61    fps=18.28    17.1%4    fps=16.32    fps=18.93    15.9%5    fps=46.55    fps=54.27    16.5%______________________________________________________


Yep - Definite Improvement - Not Anywhere near Win7x64 yet on certain tests - but creeping pretty close! A significant showing.


- CK.

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  • 3 months later...

Chris, looking at this and since I believe you keep both installations of X-Plane (mac and win) would you recommend to use the win version on a booth camp  partition? I have a MBP15"with 500gb SSD, so when i was running out of disk space the first thing that went was the partition I had. If the performance of X-Plane is so significantly superior under windows I can reconsider and keep a win 7 64 installation and move my X-Plane over to windows. In your test results it seems to be almost twice as fast. I just can't afford to keep both installed at the same time.


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  • 3 weeks later...

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