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Anyone weighed their X-Plane 10 folder lately ?

Jim Kallinen

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Mine is just below 90GB, and I have no photo scenery. Obviously. But it's basically because Google Maps coverage sucks over Norway. Big blotches of nothing but clouds, areas with weirdly colored images and something that looks nothing like the place. Thus, I'm staying away from it.


But I really wish they could use other sources, because there are other mapping services that have better quality.

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732.45 GB


I have an entire 1 Tb HDD setup just for XP.


Has 4 Copies of X-Plane:

  • 1 "Demo" Install - Useful as a "Water World" for quick scenery testing (scenery reloads are very fast)
  • 1 "Full" install with lots of scenery, libraries, and pulgins for main use and scenery conflict testing
  • 1 "Vanilla" install with only X-Plane official files as distributed by Laminar as a benchmark
  • 1 X-Plane 9 Install for regression testing


Plus all development Tools and relevant project files. (i.e. WED files, Raw untouched orthophoto PNGs, sketchup and COLLADA models, and the like)


I use symbolic links all over the place to minimize file duplication as well, else this would probably be much larger than it is.


- CK.

Edited by chris k
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What's the reliability of drives greater than 1 Tb? When I put together my system I read that they can be more prone to errors than 1 Tb drives and under, which was largely the reason I went that way. Thinking I might want to upgrade...


I have never before heard or personally experienced a difference in reliability tied to HDD capacity.  I have been running 600GB and 1TB Raptors for years without issue.  My son has a bank of 2TB Blacks in his machine that have been rock-solid as well.

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Think I am going to order a couple of these. Should make a difference when I transfer 10.35 onto it.



You will certainly enjoy all the extra space.  But given the heavily lopsided bias X-Plane has for reads over writes, you may not get quite the performance boost you would expect from the hybrid drives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got it installed and the process of moving X-plane 10 over to the new drive painfully slow. Should work much faster once the transfer is completed.

Have it plugged into an open SATA SSD plugin on ASUS Z79 mobo. Had to tweak the bios to see a drive this size to. And an added incident while getting

it all to work. Windows 8 started taking over my OS drive on a totally different drive. Have 6 internal drives now and on bootup I now have the option of 

Using Win8 or Win7.

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Mine is just below 90GB, and I have no photo scenery. Obviously. But it's basically because Google Maps coverage sucks over Norway. Big blotches of nothing but clouds, areas with weirdly colored images and something that looks nothing like the place. Thus, I'm staying away from it.


But I really wish they could use other sources, because there are other mapping services that have better quality.


I've found Bing maps to be better for creating scenery than Google. Which services do you find best? It might not be too hard to use them yourself to get what you need.


My XP folder weighs in at a palrty 989GB at the moment and growing, had to get a 3TB drive to accomodate all of Ireland/UK at ZL18.

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Took me 14 hours to get it all transfered to my new Seagate 4TB SSHD. I have always used Bing maps with G2XPL since it has far higher res then Google maps. Depending upon

the mapping area to. Some area in Bing are bad to.


Had to format my Windows 8 drive since it was taking over Win7 and then find once it was gone, so was Win7. Had to format my Win7 drive to. Out of 6 internal drives, I now have

10.5TB of HD space. Going to take me quite while to get everything restored after wiping clean both 1tb drives. Have Windows 7 Ultimate re-installed and have been busy reloading

all my essensial software.

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