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Flying with Lua

Tom Knudsen

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Here is two for testing, please report back to this thread or xp-developer.com


Place them into the FlyWithLua/Script folder


art_test.lua = Athmospheric Scattering by Michel T minus the light entry


light_test.lua = All my light entry with personally tweak.



Besides those two, my script folder is emtpy, SkyMaxx Pro is installed (settings included)


Upload failed due to restrictions, so here is the code...






set( "sim/private/controls/light/random_percent=", 0.10)set( "sim/private/controls/lighting/deferred_uses_stencil", 0.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/3d/constant_atten", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/3d/rheo_rgb_curve", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/3d/rheo_size_curve", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/always_night_lights", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/beacon_rotate_billboard", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/beacon_rotate_spill", 0.20)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/beacon_strobe_billboard", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/beacon_strobe_spill", 0.10)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_far", 100.00 )set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_for_zoom", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_near", 10.00 )set( "sim/private/controls/lights/dist_far", 100.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/dist_near", 80.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/exponent_far", 0.45)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/exponent_near", 0.40)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/fat_omni_cutoff", 0.707)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/hdr_mix", 0.60)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/kill_dynamic_billboards", 0.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/kill_dynamic_spill", 0.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/lod_max_static_bb", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/lod_max_static_gnd", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/lod_max_static_sp", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/mix_big", 64.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/mix_small", 16.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/mix_weather_fog", 0.30)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/mix_weather_rain", 0.10)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/scale_far", 0.80)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/scale_near", 0.50)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/spill_scale", 66.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/srgb_gamma", 2.20)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/use_srgb", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/vasi_papi_red_b", 0.90)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/vasi_papi_red_g", 0.60)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/vasi_papi_red_r", 0.80)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/vasi_papi_white_b", 1.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/vasi_papi_white_g", 0.50)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/vasi_papi_white_r", 1.00)


set( "sim/private/controls/clouds/cloud_shadow_lighten_ratio",       0.85 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/atmo_scale_raleigh",        20.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/inscatter_gain_mie",     5.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/inscatter_gain_raleigh",        10.0 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_b",         40 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_g",      10.30 )set( "sim/private/controls/atmo/scatter_raleigh_r",    0.010 )set( "sim/private/controls/skyc/white_out_in_clouds",     0.5 )set( "sim/private/controls/clouds/plot_radius",    1.20 )set( "sim/private/controls/clouds/soft_occlude",  1.00 )set( "sim/private/controls/skyc/mie_scattering_foggy",  25.000 )set( "sim/private/controls/skyc/mie_scattering_ocast",  7.00 )set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_far", 3000.00 )set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_near", 120.00 )set( "sim/private/controls/lights/mix_big", 80.000 )set( "sim/private/controls/lights/mix_small", 25.00)set( "sim/private/controls/lights/bloom_for_zoom", 0.60)set( "sim/private/controls/hdr/gain_min", -4.8)set( "sim/private/controls/clouds/ambient_gain", 4.0)

Love the night lites, but on my airport approaches,  The runway lights don't appear until I'm almost touched down. Then they just pop into view.  The same with streetlights.  Is there any adjustment to increase the visibility distance for the lights.

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You have to old code, update to latest version now out v1.02



OK...downloaded the 1.02 code.    Still having the same issue.   City lights are ok now, but airport runway lights and general airport lighting only illuminate when I'm almost overhead.   I was using KJFK as a test. At first I tried KTPA which of course is a smaller airport and it was fine.  I am also using the latest Lua I could find.   I do have the Raleigh tweak in the plugins also, but have not installed the Aerosoft sky tools light tweak.   I am using HDR in gfx settings.

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What a coincedence!  I downloaded a new scenery pack last evening, Florida Central from Ted Davis, and noticed the same issue.  Runway lights were only visible upon being very close to the touchdown zone.  Further out the lights were just not visible.  I assumed this was an issue with the scenery pack.  I shortly shutdown the simulator and went away from the computer.


I hadn't even thought that the runway lighting problem could have been related to Tom's Fly With Lua scripts.  I will be interested to read what others have to say about this and to test further with X-Plane when I have an opportunity to.

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Version 1.3 is now out, you can find it here


What is new!

Changed the code for the spill light.
Changed the code for the HDR.
Cangeed the code for the runway lights.
Adjusted aircraft beacon light size and spill


Known bugs!

Radio Towerlight blacks out for unknown reason




Screenshots are showing before and after Aerosoft Light Fix (white light)







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Version 1.3 is now out, you can find it here


What is new!


Changed the code for the spill light.

Changed the code for the HDR.

Cangeed the code for the runway lights.

Adjusted aircraft beacon light size and spill


Known bugs!

Radio Towerlight blacks out for unknown reason




Screenshots are showing before and after Aerosoft Light Fix (white light)







Your 'readme' file says it needs xsquawkbox installed. I don't use it and cannot remember what it is for but why would it be required to 'interact' with the light_tweak script? Will it work without it? Also do you leave the RTH_lights.lua in the scripts folder with the light-tweak?

Edited by chaps
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Have not tried without, I fly on Vatsim so xsquawkbox is mandetory. Fly With Lua uses XSB as console for interaction, that is if you need to. Try without and tell us the result plz

I tried it without xsquawkbox installed and both the runway lights and street lights only come on when you are very close. I tried with both RTH_lights.lua and lights_tweak.lua together and installed separately with the same results each time. Only come on when very close.

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OK.. adding the aerosoft sky tools "lights" seemed to do the job.    Wondered how I can fix the intense star filter effect on the ramp lighting at KJFK?   Thanks for the help.

Guess issue is not gone after all.   See sequence of screen shots showing flyover of Rnwy 310 at KJFK.   Progression shows approach with only 1/2 of runway lites on.   Then sequentially, rest of runway comes on then ramp illumination and last the pole lights.   Using the new 1.3 script with white aerosoft light tweak.






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I don't know If I think of the same thing as you guys. So I made a short video (low quality) to ask you to see if the

issue is the same at my end. That will eliminate my view and narrow it down a bit in regards to the runway lights.

This video is shot inbound KJFK


Aerosoft lights is not present in this video!



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After downloading the latest update, I still get this bug. Any suggestions? My runway is completely dark, until i come within a few meters from it, and as i am about about to land, only about 1/3 lights up, then after i touch down and proceed down the runway another 1/3 lights up/ and finally the final 1/3 at the end of the runway, as if the runway lights are being switched on as i progress with my landing. Screenshots below, how it looks compared to my distance in Night Vision. The 4 Red/white Glide slope lights are all thats visible. 



Started up on the runway at Heathrow:



Proceeding down the runway and the lights go on



Now a 3NM approach and runway is dark



Zoom in a bit



Night Vision is only way to see it



As I approach, it begins to light up slightly 




Touched down, but still not lit further down the runway.




Is there anything I can do, I have HDR enabled, i only have the light tweak and the art scripts running, aerosoft sky tools white lights, and World detail distance set to medium (to maximized my fps but I figured it might have something to do with this lighting issue)


For now ill turn off the lights script but i hope theres something I can do because its my favorite add-on!


Thanks in advance guys 



Edited by captainamerican
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World detail distance set to medium (to maximized my fps but I figured it might have something to do with this lighting issue)


Set it to far (second highest) Not sure if this would help though.

I will try Heathrow to see if I can reproduce this


PS.. The first two pictures does not load

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Do you all have Sky Maxx Pro installed?


Please elaborate what plugins you have too, i.e any texture enhancements etc.

Lets try to narrow it down

So I have the following:


  • FlyWithLua
  • HeadShake
  • HSAIR (AirTrack)
  • MissionX
  • PilotView
  • Sky Maxx Pro
  • Maxx FX
  • XChecklist
  • LinuxTrack
  • XSquawkBox
  • XRemoteFMC

I also have HD Moon and Aerosoft lights

Edited by 3saul
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