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I want to convert an FS2004 aircraft for my self, so there is no copyright problems here. But I'm wondering what kind of drawing tools I would need to do this sort of a project. I want to connect it to a payware's system so if I could get some help and ideas on this, that would be great.


Please keep in mind this is a personal project and I won't put up for download. There will be NO copyright problems.

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No, I'm for myself and will not put up for download because it's a personal project. To connect to a "Payware" system, means to like use the JRollon CRJ-200 systems but on the external and internal model of a FS2004/FSX aircraft, but using the JRollon cockpit and systems.


Maybe just avoid this topic all together and stay in safe water...

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I don't appreciate being told that, when all I have said stays within the copyright. - - Don't redistribute - - Which if you can read, I said I won't. This would be a 100% personal operation. Dan Klaue converts for Carenado, Michael converts and has permission. I don't have permission to "distribute" there property. I do have permission to modify it for my own uses.

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hey there! Okay, few things that oughta be addressed before you start


Firstly, a conversion requires FSX models, there is no known code (besides possibly a code created by project oblivion) that can convert FS2004 models into working x-plane objects. In order to model, you'll need a few tools/applications.


Blender 2.49b (it's the version that supports FSX conversion scripts) paired with the FSX2blender import scripts and the xplane2blender export/import scripts

photoshop or Gimp (I use gimp) for manipulating images to fit within x-planes 24 object limit (some FSX conversions can have as many as 50 textures!)

Plane maker (obviously)


that's really it, if you want to deal with things like plugins or custom avionics, a compiler of some kind would be helpful (though ATM, I am making my plugin codes literally by typing out line after line in a text editor)


I'll probably make a forum post about conversions, seeing as a lot of people seem to want to learn.

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