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Thrust Limits- work 50% of time (SOLVED)

Kyle Sanders

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Hello all! - Long time, no speak!


Since Version 1 of CRJ2, I have seen that about 50% of the time when it comes time to set the thrust limits and I input the OAT- my T/O, CLB/CRZ...ECT... does not do anything.


Attached is a picture of what I am talking about. In this case I have set my Wx to a PERFECT day.... 29.92, 15c OAT, clear skies, ect.... I input the 15C for my OAT and I get no response for calculated thrust limits. Now I "KNOW" I can look up the T/O value in the provided handbook but what do I then do about the other phases? (The other 50% of the time, it works without problem :D )


As for what am I doing prior to OAT input? Well i have built a custom checklist. That is also attached.



Any advice on what I am doing wrong would be very helpful! Thanks!



Edited by Kyle
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Hi Kyle,

You forgot to enter the ORIGIN and Rwy maybe?, that is why the FMS enters 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 when you input 15 into the OAT field on the THRUST LIMIT page.

I guess the FMS needs those bits of data to calculate something, densirty alt maybe?

Or put another way, when I left the Rwy field blank, I get 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,


but when I enter a Rwy it works. :D


Don't forget to EXEC, after entering a Rwy.

Also the bit about it working 50% of the time, I suspect the settings are "sticky" between sessions, eg.

1st test load the CRJ, forget to enter Rwy will result in 0,0,0,0.

2nd test, load the CRJ agian, enter ORIGIN and Rwy will result in correct thrust limits.

If you try to "fix" it during the same load session, i.e. by trying to re-enter ORIGIN or RWY a 2nd time you may get different results for example if you try 2 flights in one load session.




Edited by cessna729
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