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Dreamfoil JetRanger owners


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I'm working on using a popular design that was used for the 1970s factory paints for the JetRanger.
Here's the design I'm on about.

The idea is that once I get the basic design done, it should be a simple idea to then change and mix & match colour components easily.
I welcome any ideas/requests for colour variations, as I haven't found quite the range of examples I was hoping I would. I know it was the seventies, but the colours were very same-y.

The same goes for any registrations.  I had hoped to use N206JR, but that's already on a current bird so I'm gonna go with N206XA for now unless people want particular registrations.

Should only be a couple of months. The two biggest headaches are 1. getting Conex's paintkit corrected (the right side is larger than the left, and darker!) and 2. getting the basic design down. Once those are done, it's downhill all the way!

Right now I've already corrected the basic paintkit (that's headache #1 gone). In the shot below I've duplicated the left side and pasted it over the right, and you can see the difference between the two, with the darker right hand side sticking out.

The shot below demonstrates the difficulty with this helicopter in just the lengths you have to go to just to get a straight line........

.....which ends up looking like this.

Edited by Nicola_M
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Yeah like this but with the thicker struts aerodynamic covers, like on the yellow one on your top photos ( right side )


I think it could be easy if we import the .obj in Blender with X-Plane2Blender, model new skids, edit accordingly in PM and rework textures and animations ...

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It will be a few days yet, V.  Left to do is the one nosecone stripe (biggest task of all, as it's really difficult to get right) and door hinges colour (easy).

Today's job was getting the windscreen surround coloured, and getting rid of the dirt around the JetRanger logo on the doghouse.

Hopefully by the end of the weekend.



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