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Bush Pilots


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Hello dudes !


I don't know if this has been already posted, but I found ( and just starting to watch right now ) a show that looks to be very interesting !




I know there are some serious bush flying enthusiasts around here, such Bamboo Cougar and such ;-)


That really makes me want to use the Carenado Caravan, as well as the incoming Beaver for SMS !


Sadly, what we miss here is good african ( or any bushy land ) sceneries and appropriates missions. Hope that market will develop a bit in the times to come, making accurate airplanes is not the only thing that bring entertainment ... missions a la FSX could add a huge added value to X-Plane ! ( hint hint !! )


Good watch

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Hey Valentin, that last video is in West Papua (technically not PNG) ... the signs were in Indonesian, and the Porter has an Indonesian rego.


Have fond memories of the PC-6 ... brilliant plane ... but the model I flew as baggage had steam dials. Of course also looking forward to you finishing yours (I hope it has steam dials!).

Hope it doesn't take too long.

Edited by Kris Pryo
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Yess you're definitely true sorry for the mistake about location, I admit I don't know very well those areas ;-)


The one I look after is one of the oldest in service so yes it as standard needle instruments.


It really depends on what I'll do in the next months, now I have a lot of spare time so I can work on it up to 9hours a day, but there is so much work to do and when it's your first plane, learning plane maker, Blender, Photoshop, animations etc ... it's a mountain of work, but so interesting !


Anyway, this TV show of Bush Pilot is really sweet to look at ;-) But I can't see the whole season

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It's a great show. I learned to fly in Alaska back in the 70s, and it was really cool to see some places that I'd either been to, or flown over in my time overseas. Bush flying ain't for everyone, but once you get it in your blood, there's no getting it out. Great post!



Edited by APUtech
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