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"lock to panel view"


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I am a poor sod who creates flightsim cockpits for a living using FSX or P3D.

Recently I have been evaluating the possibilities of offering X-Plane based cockpits. ( I WANT to use X-Plane - it is far more stable than FSX :) )

Now, my approach is to use many PCs and many monitors instead of focusing on the very expensive instrument modules à la Saitek, Goflight etc.

Now, in order to realize such systems, the "Master" PC would normally show a 3D virtual cockpit view (stretched over multiple monitors) whereby controls are clicked after panning and zooming the view.

The outside views and even a spot plane view are controlled by their own "Slave" PC's


Now the problem is this:

When you pan or zoom using the master PC all the slaves pan and zoom similarly. I need to be able to suppress this panning and zooming synchronization.

X-Plane has the option of "lock to panel view" which has the reverse effect. It makes all slave views show the 2D panel view and not any other view, but it does disable the panning and zooming synchronization.

The obvious solution is not to pan and zoom the master PC at all which then allows the other required views to be set up easily enough, but that does not fit my cockpit philosophy of the pilot moving around in the virtual cockpit.


As anyone got any insights into this problem?


Is there any way (via XML or otherwise) to disable the pan and zoom synchronization without being forced into "panel view" ?

Alternatively, can one remove the 2D panel itself from the panel view, leaving the background which can then be adjusted using the rendering options?


Dave Britzius

(cockpit builder) 


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This plugin is absolutely brilliant!

Works perfectly and gives me exactly what I want.


A small tip to anyone else trying this plugin for the first time:

Don't forget to first check "default to panel view" radio button in the "SPECIAL VIEWING OPTIONS" section of "Rendering Options".

If you have the radio-button of "lock to panel view" active, the plugin won't work.


Thanks again


Dave Britzius

(Cockpit builder)

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