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WED start error


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Seems like I cannot get to first base with WED 1.2b1.

Thought  I would give WED a try, get an error when trying to enter the scenery name from New Scenery.


Help appreciated,



Edit:  well it looks like my screen shot is not going to appear, frustration is mounting.

          The error is "unable to rename package:  Error 183 (unknown error)

Edited by w9nwrwi
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OS is Win 7 64bit.  Trying WED 1.2b1 compiled may 2, 2012.  X-Plane path has been set. XPX 10.20 64bit.


From what I understand, I select NEW Scenery Package and Untitled 1 comes up, I click on it and attempt to rename it Jamestown.

That is when the error appears.


If I select Open Scenery Package then import of apt.dat goes well and I can select an airport of interest.


Just the New Scenry Package naming is the trouble.  Just being such a novice at this project I suppose I could work with small

airports and get a bit more familiar with it all. But, that error will still be around I suppose.




Edit:  I think I might see what is going on Andy. I Went to the WED Wiki and ran their example. It looks like my method of naming might be the issue. I was typing Jamestown and probalby should be typing KJMS Jamestown, as their example works. Lets chalk it up to operator error. 

Thanks for your reply though...


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Looks like a simple work-around is to Just create the working directory in /Custom Scenery/ Manually via Windows Explorer / My Computer / DOS Prompt / Any Other Method first.


Ive actually never tried to use WED to actually create a directory in my /Custom Scenery/ in 2 years of using it. ;) Hah. If a bug exists in that part of the code, Im sure it escaped 99% of the beta testers; since I really don't think anyone actually ever used that "Create New Package" button.

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I got it working now Chris, just a matter of putting the in ICAO code first, works for me.


I have a number of taxiways that are incorrect in quite a dramatic manner. Would it be better to inform Robin Peel about these or

should one attempt to fix them themselves.  WED looks pretty difficult to me and I am not sure I can handle a taxiway edit, or anything else in WED at this point. :wacko:


As an example: Take a look at KJMS here,   http://skyvector.com/airport/JMS/Jamestown-Regional-Airport and then look at it on the X-plane map.



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I have a number of taxiways that are incorrect in quite a dramatic manner.


Sounds like Nobody updated them in the last 5 years.


Would it be better to inform Robin Peel about these


Robin Peel does not fix taxiways - He collects edits form end-users.


or should one attempt to fix them themselves. 




WED looks pretty difficult to me and I am not sure I can handle a taxiway edit, or anything else in WED at this point.


WED is quite easy if you give it 20 minutes of your attention. You don't learn photoshop in 5 minutes either... nor how to fly an airplane. ;)




Give it 20 minutes - And dont make a new airport - just load in the existing KJMS instead, and just edit it... that'll save you 90% of the work.

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