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Working on my first airport WED Help


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I am working on one of my local airports, KARA. The problem I am having is that the apt.dat does not show the sea way along side of the normal runway. 34/16 and 34w/16w.


I have selected the seaway option to add a seaway, but it does not place the seaway in the ground. I would also like to add a taxi ramp out of the water. Any tips that would help would be greatly appreciated. 


This is my first ground up airport, so please be nice. =)



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I just loaded WED


I Imported KARA form the master apt.dat


It loaded into WED


I added a water runway with the 'seaway tool'. click once, then click again; it shows up in WED


I added a water taxiway. taxiway Tool, draw polygon, select 'water'


"Export scenery pack", it exported.




Which step are you having trouble with?


p.s. You may have to call the runway "16R/34L" since I am unsure if "W" is an allowable designation in XP


- CK.

Edited by chris k
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Hi Chris,


I did thoses steps last night and the seaway did not show, however I named the seaway 34w/16w. I will try to name it 34L/16R and will see if that solves it.


1 more question. I tried to make a taxiway with the polygon tool so I can use the different concrete textures. When exporting this, it caused WED to crash.


So, am I correct in thinking that you have to use the Taxiway tool to lay the taxiway then come over the top with the polygon tool to change the texture to the type of concrete I want?



I hope to get this airport finished so I can up load it for everyone to use. My final goal is do to the majority of the Heliports and Oilfield service airports in south louisiana.

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Err, You can select the texture type of a taxiway. If you feel like you'd like to "go over" a taxiway section in a little piece, then yes you can use one of thise built in "pavement" library polygons later. (they are always drawn "on top" of any taxiway.

If you don't define a proper taxiway system, the AI aircraft get lost.

Exporting a draped polygon with a bezier curve in Windows crashed WE'D. Known issue. Taxiways with bezier curves do not crash.

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Changing the water way numbers did not add it to the scenery when loading into x-plane 10. I need to do some research on adding water to the scenery. It seem that is beyond WED right now. The more I dig into WED the more I enjoy and hate it at the same time. :D


Edit: As Ntr09 said. It seems you cant add bodies of water that do not show up normally in x-plane 10. Which is sad because it is a very active runway/sealane.

Edited by AtomicFrawg
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Hey Chris,


Just wanted to say thanks for your help. I have almost completed my airport. One very very important lesson I learned, was always use geotiffs for the overlays vs JPG.


Right now I m trying to add photo scenery to it. I am not having too much luck with that. 

The problem I am having is the GeoTiff from the airport overlap, which in turn, causes the converted .PNG tiles to overlap at the seam of the 2 GeoTiffs when place in WED. Now, when selecting the area around the airport that I would like to creat the draped Poly, it shows black in some of where the over lapping .PNG tiles are. I will also post a photo of whats going on tonight. 


I have tried a few things with no luck, and now that I am thinking about this more today. Do I have to make a draped poly for each tile separately?


Oh and I have read your guide over and over just to make sure I did not miss anything. With this porject, I now have a greater respect for scenery builders. :D

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I have tried a few things with no luck, and now that I am thinking about this more today. Do I have to make a draped poly for each tile separately?


Uh.. yes. You need to tell X-plane "I want to use this image in the scenery". X-Plane only understands draped poly's. If you haven't made a draped poly out of your imported image, how would X-plane know use it?


WED does not attempt to read your mind. =)


it shows black in some of where the over lapping


PNG must be a power-of-two per side.

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Uh.. yes. You need to tell X-plane "I want to use this image in the scenery". X-Plane only understands draped poly's. If you haven't made a draped poly out of your imported image, how would X-plane know use it?


WED does not attempt to read your mind. =)




PNG must be a power-of-two per side.


Oh I did make a draped poly with the imported images. I just placed all the tiles first then selected the area for the draped poly. Some of these tiles over lapped because of the slicing of the GeoTiffs (which also over lapped). I used 2048x2048 for each tile.

When I experimented with a small area (single PNG tile) and did get it to work. It was when doing the draped poly spanning the 4 sliced tiles, which each one over laps, is where I am having the issue. Its probably something simple that I am missing. I will snap a screen shot tonight when I get home from work.

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The 2 GeoTiffs need for this airport. Note that they over lap, this is where the black line is in the later photos.



The PNG tiles made from the GeoTiff's




The draped Poly that I made.





The end results with the black line at the seam of where the 2 sets of PNG tiles over lapped from the GeoTiff's




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Since they overlap - there should be 2 images that could go there too.. so black is usually that the texture files arent powers-of-two that I can remember; but you mention they are. so.. no that cant be it.


S/T coordinates correct? Your draped poly has 4 corners, each corner should be S/T coords of 0,0  0,1  1,0 annd 1,1 for Lower Left, Top Left, lower right, top right respectively


- CK.

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