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Windows 7 64bit


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I just bought the CRJ-2

Its a really great aircraft, my only problem is with the FPS

I have 10 FpS

I am currently with windows 7 32bit on x-plane 9.70

will updating to 64 bit help for better FPS?


PS: Procosser; Core i 3 dual core 2.4 GHZ

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Based on those system specs your ATI card is killing you - that card is an entry level 3D gaming card and X-Plane (even 9) is a bit demanding. Not sure what resolution you are running at but you may want to try lowering it. You may also want to try getting the latest ATI drivers as well:


64bit Windows will not help as X-Plane 9 and (for the time being) X-Plane 10 are 32bit applications that can only use up to 2GB of memory.

If none of that helps you may want to look at mid-level ATI 7000 or NVIDIA 600 series card with at least 1GB of memory. I wouldn't go high-end since your processor is only an i3 and your probably looking at replacing the whole machine instead of just the graphics card.

Edited by dolbs
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64bit will not help with performance at all.

64bit helps with crashes you get due to out-of-memory conditions. That's when X-Plane crashess with a "bad alloc" error or simply crashes the graphics driver. That's what you'll get out of 64bit, but only if your OS supports 64 bit AND X-Plane suppports 64bit in the future, which is planned for X-Plane 10.20 which is not in beta yet.

Regarding your specific problem, please make sure you have no process running in background that could possibly force the graphics card to do a lot of context switches. That is, close any Browser, PDF viewer, Image viewer, etc you might have running in background while running X-Plane.

We've had numerous reports already, most of them ATI graphics users, who experienced lagging displays when they had a browser window open in background.

If in doubt, open windows task manager and check for browser, adobe reader, etc. processes that might be running.


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