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Setting star in FMC causes weird display issues in Xplane


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Ok, I know, this will sound strange.

I have been using the CRJ200 for a very little time but I love it and did a half-dozen flights with Freeworld VA, and everything was fine.

But yesterday, I flew LIMC-EDDB and at some point I realized that the display was acting weird. It is difficult to describe, but it was like when you play a videotape on a vcr at half-speed : it shows a picture, then freezes for a half-second then jumps to the next picture. Well, it was the same here, making any manipulation very difficult.

I tried reducing the window size, some rendering effects, low visibility etc, it didn't seem to affect the issue. And anyway, the fps number was at its usual 30.

Eventually XP crashed during that flight (no connection, that was my fault), so I made it again today, and that's when I realized that the mysterious freezing problem started right after I programmed my chosen STAR in the FMC while still on the ground. So I reloaded the plane, started the flight with my usual display, then upon reaching transition I entered the STAR and the freezing started immediatly after I pressed the EXEC button.

I have absolutely no idea how one could affect the other, but maybe someone can help me here ?

Some info :

XPlane 9.7, windows 7 64bit

Mobo : asus M4N98TD EVO, phenom II X4 3000+, 8 Gb ram

GPU : nvidia Geforce 250 GS

I have the latest version of the CRJ file.

The flight as entered in the FMC : LIMC SID ABESI UN851 MASEK T200 RUDAK STAR EDDB

STAR : RUD5S, transition KFL07.

Also providing the log.txt

Hope someone can help me.


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Hi Emalice,

I tried your flightplan on both my Windows PC and my Mac. I had no adverse effects on display refresh on either system.

We however had several reports in the past where users complained of "stuck" displays related to programs running in background that interfered with threaded rendering. Such programs where - most of the time - webbrowsers, image editors, and one user complained of extreme lagging due to a free font viewer running.

You should check the list of processes running in background. Everything that uses the GPU to render stuff can cause the context switching overhead that kills your displays.

Next step would be to check the plugins you are running. For example, you are running X-IVAP and XSquawkbox at the same time. I don't know if they play well together. Try with all plugins but Gizmo and shrink-wrap de-activated (not disabled in the menu box, but temporarily moved out of the plugins folder) and put them back one-by-one.


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Hi Emalice,

I tried your flightplan on both my Windows PC and my Mac. I had no adverse effects on display refresh on either system.

We however had several reports in the past where users complained of "stuck" displays related to programs running in background that interfered with threaded rendering. Such programs where - most of the time - webbrowsers, image editors, and one user complained of extreme lagging due to a free font viewer running.

You should check the list of processes running in background. Everything that uses the GPU to render stuff can cause the context switching overhead that kills your displays.

Next step would be to check the plugins you are running. For example, you are running X-IVAP and XSquawkbox at the same time. I don't know if they play well together. Try with all plugins but Gizmo and shrink-wrap de-activated (not disabled in the menu box, but temporarily moved out of the plugins folder) and put them back one-by-one.


Ok, I did not go back to the CRJ since that post, but one thing I did when the problem first appeared was to make sure I closed as many programs and services in the background. The only thing I had opened anyway was acrobat to keep an eye on my charts. But even closing this one did not change a thing.

I will see about the plugins, but anyway, I never use both at the same times so I always disable the one I am not using. I understand disabling and taking the plugin out of your plugin folder are different things, but I never had any crashes due to X-ivap / Xsquawkbox so far.

Anyway, I will do what you suggest and see what happens.

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OK, so i've tried removing all plugins, and the problem remains.

But it is getting even weirder : the problem only appears when I choose some particular transitions :

Planning a route to london heathrow, I chose star BIG1E, RWY ILS27, the display is fine, then if I selct transition BIG, I get this frozen display issue, but if I choose transition BNN, then the freezing is gone.

Ok, then looking closer at the flight plan displayed on the ND, I saw one point that was clearly out of the way (labeled (BIG) in the FMS). So I deleted that point and the freezing disappeared.

So is there any possibility that the FMC reacts to stupid flight plans ? Anyway, I also checked my previous flight route (LIMC-EDDB) where the problem first appeared, and it so happens that STAR RUD5S, RWY ILS07 trans KLF07 has a point labeled (557) right after EDDB (in case of a missed-approach). Deleting this point stopped the freezing.

Is something wrong with the nav database ? For what it's worth, I also removed/reinstalled the aircraft from my XP folder. but that did not solve the problem.

Any insight on what is going on ?


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i'm sorry, i have to report similar problems using SIDs.

i'm taking of LJLJ RWY 30 (heading to EDDM) using BERT1L. as soon i engage AP/intercept route, FMC start to act crazy (MFD zooms in and out, freezes) and the aircraft behaves like it's in heavy turbulence (SPEED mode still on, but speed seems to oscilate constantly).

without using the SID, everythings just fine, except the "sidless" route guides me directly in the next mountain :)

my XP10 and CRJ are up-to-date (preferences deleted, flightmodel on 2), latest navigraph data (1205), win7x64, reproduced the issue about 5 times (also with closing/reopening xp10)

it's really strange, because other routes seem to work perfectly fine (did today some LOWI-LOWW, LOWW-LILJ flights without any issue).

please tell me if you need additional info for hunting down the bug...

greetings, jo

ps: i'll fly the same route tomorrow using XP9.7 and let you know what happens.

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Emalice & joga, are you both trying to use Navigraph Cycle 1205 data? because I had a quick try using the version I've got (1202) and so far havn't had any problems with my Win 7 (64bit) XP10.05r1, CRJ-200 ver 1.45. Could the Navigraph 1205 data for the airports your trying to use be sus? because I couldn't find a BERT1L SID at EJLJ for instance! has the data changed that much between 1202 & 1205? If your using Windows try looking in X-Plane 10\Aircraft\CRJ-200\plugins\CRJAvionics\navdata\LevelD_Proc folder for the "airport_ICAO_code.xml" where "airport_ICAO" is the airport your having the problem, eg. joga, you would need to look for LJLJ.xml file and compare it with the published SID (or winzip it and post it as an attachment to the forum for us to check).


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sorry, i recalled the SID wrong, it's BERT1W and it's in LJLJ.xml.

i tried same route in XP9.70, same thing happens about half way to waypoint 1800 (first waypoint), but without the heavy oscilation (seems to be a XP10 thingy). zooming of the MFD is because distance is running up and down constantly (distance was between 360 and 400nm before i shut down XP9).

i also attached the routefile for you. maybe it's all because of the latest AIRAC, so i'm trying to obtain cycle 1202 next (i only have 1205 available at the moment).

ps: of course i'm doing IRS realignment on each attempt.


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Thanks for the flightplan. Now I have at least an idea what is going on. This could indeed be related to the new Navigraph data, because I was unable to reproduce it with neither the navdata shipped with the CRJ nor with 1202.

I will get myself 1204 and see if I can reproduce your error. You could meanwhile check if it works for you using the navdata originally shipped with the CRJ.


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Very quickly, I should say that I did not get any newer airnav database, I am currently using the one I got with the CRJ-200, which I bought around the 20th of April.

Ok, I checked directly on the FMS, it says "active database 25AUG2011 21SEP2011", so I suppose that's navigraph cycle 1108 or 1109.

I know at some point, long before I got the CRJ, I downloaded Robin's database for Xplane, so could there be a conflict with that ?

Joga, are you also able to resolve the problem by removing one bogus point from your flight plan ? Are we sure we have the same problem ? For exemple, I do not suffer any zooming problem, the distances remain correct, and trouble appear when I enter waypoints in the FMC, not when I start flying the route.

Ok, I realize it is really possible each computer could have it's own way of dealing with the same problem, but we really have to make sure that we are really talking about the same issue, if not we should create a separate thread I suppose.


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same problem? probably only philipp can answer this question... sorry i don't know, but it's for sure a SID/STAR related problem thats messes up with the FMC.

mine creates heavy airplane oscilation (on XP10) which could probably bring down FPS on a weaker GFX (im running GTX680 3GB).

so my intention was to report similar problems and not overtaking your thread...

but what we could do is checking our flightplans vice versa (and i'm going back to original-navdata) to see if the problem is directly related/reproducable on our machines... ok? (i've got time for this on thursday)

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javier, it has nothing to do with overspeed pitch-up (as stated above, SPEED mode is still on during take-off climb at about 170kn, aircraft is shaking wild and speed-trend-flex moves constantly up and down).

but please take a look at tristans problem first... i'm doing more investigations with original nav-data tomorrow

cheers, jo

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Hi Joga.

So, one thing we must try when you have the original nav-data is to see if problems appear with similar flight plans for both of us :

I will try loading sid BERT1W from LJLJ and report.

In the mean time, try loading star BIG1E to EGLL, RWY 27, transition BIG and see if that triggers the problem. If it does, delete (BIG) in the flightplan and see if that solves the problem (and I mean the point which is actually between parenthesis on the LEGS page, anyway when you look at the flight plan on the FD, this point clearly appears as bogus).



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here is a shot of the effect... please take a look at the speed-trend-flex (its oscilating about 3-4 times per second, while the aircraft is heavy shaking)

in the meantime i tried following things:

original navdata: no sid available for RWY 30, absolutly no problems during take off climb, but sid-less route ends with a nice mountain crash :)

airac 1202: no sid available for RWY 30, not flown

airac 1204: same effect like with 1205

interesting is that original navdata and 1202 contain SIDs for RWY 31 in LJLJ.xml (but not for 30, and are not selectable because of that)... no idea if thats some kind of clue?

i also tried updating x-plane data resources (2012.04)... without success

please note that this is a very specific problem, only occuring at one of my routes and i'm overall very very happy with the CRJ :)


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here is a shot of the effect... please take a look at the speed-trend-flex (its oscilating about 3-4 times per second, while the aircraft is heavy shaking)

Hi joga, what your describing sounds like XP10's over active responce to "turbulence", but just to make sure, can you try & fly the offending SID with Environment -> Weather -> Set Weather uniformly for whole world -> then click the CAVOK button on left hand side 3/4 way down screen, then exit weather page.

If you still get the same effect, try and plot the effect on your airspeed-trend display by going: Settings -> Data Input & Output -> Data Set -> put ticks in the 2 right hand boxs for frame rate & speeds then exit the Data Input & Output page, Fly the offending SID again, and as soon as you get the effect again go Settings -> Data Input & Output, then click on Data See Tab, then tick the F-act, f-sim, cpu, & Vind boxes (un-tick the rest), then using your mouse at the left or right side of the screen, move through the data to see if anything "ties up" with your "speed-trend problem".

You could also try turning up your Flight-Model setting on Operations & Warnings to 2, & see if that inproves things. Failing that just post your 1204 or 1205 LJLJ.xml file.

As far as I know the X-plane data resources (1212.04) is not used by the FMS in JRollon's CRJ, it uses the Navigraph data in X-Plane 10\Aircraft\CRJ-200\plugins\CRJAvionics\navdata folder, so Robin's X-plane data souldn't likely to be causing your problem.


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In the mean time, try loading star BIG1E to EGLL, RWY 27, transition BIG and see if that triggers the problem. If it does, delete (BIG) in the flightplan and see if that solves the problem (and I mean the point which is actually between parenthesis on the LEGS page, anyway when you look at the flight plan on the FD, this point clearly appears as bogus).

Emalice, you have definately spotted somthing strange as can be seen from this screen plot of the MFD (my a/c is on the ground at EGKB "Biggin Hill"), according to the published approach ILS27 L&R & published BIGGIN STAR, after passing the Biggin VOR it should be Radar Vectors to intercept the 27 ILS at EGLL (shown as ILL10 on screen shot), but the MFD shows BIG09, another BIG fix north West, then a 3rd BIG fix off the top right habd corner of the MFD screen, before sorting it's self out at ILL10.


Update: NATS UK have published a dirrerent chart for Initial Approach Procedures (Without Radar Control) to ILS RWY 27L/R via BIG Chart at http://www.ead.euroc..._2_EGLL_7-14_en which shows the extra waypoints!!

The bit of the Navigraph data that may be causing you the CRJ problems if it's the same in your version, is around Waypoint 4 in this fragment; I don't trust Waypoint's 2 and 3 either:

<App_Transition Name="BIG">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="1">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="2">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="3">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="4">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="5">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="6">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="7">

Note: I only have cycle 1202 Navigraph data at the moment on my Win 7 64bit machine, so I can't tell yet if it's the Navigraph Data in error or the CRJ's interpretation of it (i.e a "math problem"), all I can see on my machine is a periodic slight dip in the recorded fps as the FMS calculates all those "conditional waypoints". I am lucky enough to have a Flight Sim Only machine with a 4.5GHz i7 990X with 12GB ram & a GTX580 graphics card and have switched off all unnecessary Windows services and programs, so this slight fps drop dosn't cause me any problems (so far!!).


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Hi Cessna729.

So, that snapshot of the MFD you show is exactly what I have when I load that STAR, with the nav_data cycle I mention in a previous post.

When I delete that bogus point, i.e. BIG off the top right corner of the MFD, everything goes back to normal, or at least I no longer see an adverse effect on my general display, meaning that maybe there is still a problem but with no visible consequences.

Also, looking at that excerpt of the nav_data you show, I see that points ID 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all the same : same type, same coordinates, only heading course values and speed/alt restrictions are different. I cannot see the one that offsets to the top right of the MFD. I don't know much about the syntax of STARs, but my feeling here is that the FMC acts silly trying to deal with a course impossible to follow. Deleting that mysterious point from the legs menu acts as a "manual takeover" from the user and the FMC no longer needs to try and figure out how to solve that puzzle.

And indeed, I jsut tested that and realized taht removing ANY point from the star, manually, from the FMC's "LEGS" page stops the freezing display issue.

So, is uptading with navigraph to the latest nav_database likely to solve that issue ?


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Cessna729, you are right about the shaking... it was because of real-weather turbulance (pretty heavy, but ok, it's mountainous area). i really thought it was in conjuction with the MFD zooming/distance running up/down that starts about the same time (distance to EDDM should be 225nm).

here are two shots (weather is now on CAVOC, so shaking is gone, my "flightmodels per frame" were already on 2):

distances are constantly changing (354 and 623nm on the shots)

...next i'm trying Emalices route (LIMC-EDDB)



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in the meantime i tried Emalices route and i can confirm his problem (flown with XP9.70, original navdata)

as soon you activate arrival STAR RUDA5S, RWY ILS07 TRANS KFL07 stuttering starts (complete stutter about every 0.5sec, feels like good old fsx... sorry about that :))... i'm running at about 30FPS at this time

when deactivating KFL07, stuttering ends... also i noticed that FMS couldn't keep on track (i was using 35R/FARA5P TRANS ABE9U for departure), at waypoint D038E it flown straight forward

here's the route and a shot (no distance changing/zooming)... connection with LJLJ bug? unknown, but i'm trying with AIRAC 1205 next

EDIT: tried with 1205, exactly same behavior, except the transition is now called KL07L (again no turning at D038E, so it's a SID "and" a STAR problem)... stuttering starts/ends immediately when you press the EXEC button

EDIT2: same with XP10.05r1 AIRAC1205 (this time i activated TRANS KL07 after overshooting D038E, so both issues seem to be independent)

...but now i have to spend time with my familiy, otherwise im running into a third "problem" :D



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Update to the EGLL BIG Transition problem: NATS UK have published a different chart for Initial Approach Procedures (Without Radar Control) to ILS RWY 27L/R via BIG Chart at http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/eadbasic/pamslight-5FCF51A91997CECBC58D2BDE1A28E1EC/7FE5QZZF3FXUS/EN/Charts/AD/AIRAC/EG_AD_2_EGLL_7-14_en_2011-10-20.pdf which shows the extra waypoints!!

So appart from the "naming" of Waypoints 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 all being "BIG", the navigraph data is looking not to bad, the RadialsToIntercept and the DME distances appear OK. so my next step when I get home is to try "re-naming" & see if that corrects the anomaly.


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Update to the EGLL BIG Transition problem: NATS UK have published a different chart for Initial Approach Procedures (Without Radar Control) to ILS RWY 27L/R via BIG Chart at http://www.ead.euroc..._2011-10-20.pdf which shows the extra waypoints!!

So appart from the "naming" of Waypoints 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 all being "BIG", the navigraph data is looking not to bad, the RadialsToIntercept and the DME distances appear OK. so my next step when I get home is to try "re-naming" & see if that corrects the anomaly.


All right, now I get it. The coordinates for each "BIG" waypoint are the same because they all correspond to the coordinates of the VOR station. they are distinguished by their radial intercept or dme intercept relative to that station. Also, the hdg_crs_value is the heading of the plane required above the waypoint, so they should be tangential to the flight path.

In that case, I agree, the nav_data does not seem too bad, so there is something wrong in the way the FMC interprets it.

Also, even when I remove the bogus waypoint, the flightplan is still not the way it should be, but the stuttering disappears, and I can't understand why that is. Maybe it is time one of the developpers chips in an opinion, an idea on things to do or try to help solve, or at least identify, the problem ?

So, Cessna, in the mean time I will try playing around with the nav_data for that STAR and see if I can find something.



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In that case, I agree, the nav_data does not seem too bad, so there is something wrong in the way the FMC interprets it. So, Cessna, I will try playing around with the nav_data for that STAR and see if I can find something.

Fixed It!!!! :) :) :)

I just re-named the BIG's & it now looks alot better!! compare with Published App_Trans BIG

post-7830-0-71399000-1337273750_thumb.jp post-7830-0-98679300-1337274329_thumb.jp

The EGLL ILS27L bit now looks like this:

	 <App_Transition Name="BIG">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="1">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="2">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="3">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="4">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="5">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="6">
<AppTr_Waypoint ID="7">

Hopfully the next version of the CRJ will be a bit more tolerant of "suss navigraph data" because I Iexpect there are alot more like that!!


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Fixed It!!!! :) :) :)

I just re-named the BIG's & it now looks alot better!! compare with Published App_Trans BIG

Cessna, you're a hero.

Too bad I made that flight last night, when I had to manually fly the published star. I guess I still have a lot of practicing to do, because it was not pretty. Glad I wasn't flying online :)

I will edit my nav_data with different names, and see if I can do the same trick for the star to EDDB.

Thanks again.


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