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MFD - Strange data displayed


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When flying the route MKJS to MKJP i got strange data displayed on the MFD. There is a triple entry for MKJP with different distances indicated (MFD1.jpg). Are there now 6nm to MKJP or 13nm?

I repositioned to MKJS and reloaded the plane, reentered the route MKJS - MKJP and got another strange display.

it says, i would be 53 nm from MKJS - but i am actually AT MKJS - and displays two different distances to MKJP - 125nm and 173nm (MFD2.jpg).

Next try: i go to LOWG and enter route to LOWK.

CDU says 4500nm (!) (maybe this is the distance to the previous location MKJS, somewhere stored in memory), MFD lets me choose 100nm or 51nm to LOWK. In this case, the display looks nice after entering the departure ABIRI1G - but i would expect correct distances even before entering a departure.

I noticed, that the MFD continued showing the old MKJS, even when i hat entered the new depature LOWG, and the old departure MKJS was cleared from the FPLN and the LEGS page - initializing problem?

Any ideas, what's wrong here?

Screenshots attached.




Edited by Stefan
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  • 3 weeks later...


1. The MFD will show rubbish if your PPOS and INIT POS disagree. That is, when you are in MKJS, and initialized in MKJS, and then enter a flightplan from LOWG to LOWK, the distance shown will be nonsense, because the first leg will be the IPOS-PPOS leg with some thousand miles of distance. If you reposition, delete the flightplan and re-align the IRS.

2. Live distance calculation needs an active waypoint. The active waypoint is first selected by entering a departure runway (or a runway with associated SID). So before you selected the departure runway, distance calculation will be meaningless because the first leg is undefined.

3. About the different distances to the destination airport in the MFD, please save a flightplan in a situation where you get the disagree, and post the saved flightplan here. That's the only way I can get hold of the problem.


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i will try to produce some test-data.

the situation i had yesterday was, that i did some flights in Jamaica, the changed the position to Greece (LGTS) with turning off and realigning the IRS.

When i opened a new flightplan from LGTS to LGSM it showed me the distance to jamaica and i found now way to get rid of the wrong ppos-entry.

but i will try again and send you a screenshot, when i have the situation.

Thank you.


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at the moment i cannot reproduce this - it seems reloading the xplane cleans something - reloading the crj did not help.

when you change position with an active flightplan, the all distances will be recalculated for the new position, which is correct.

when you enter now a new depature and destination, there is still a distance displayed which refers to the old position - which is a little bit strange, but may be ok.

because after switching to the legs-page the correct distanced for the current positions are displayed - even without realigning irs.

but there seems to be a special constellation, where the old position remains the reference for calculating differences - and there is no way to get rid of this.

i'll try to find it - i'm sure it happens again some day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now i have it!

After a flight in greece i changed Position to LOWG, turned off IRS and on again after a minute, then performed SET POS.

After IRS init i entered a flightplan from LOWK to LOWG. For the result see attachments, flightplan KK1.txt and screenshot.

FMS indicated more than 3860nm from LOWK to LOWG instead of about 60nm.

The very annoying thing ist, that the problem persits after reloading the airplane.

after moving the airplane to LOWG, i tried to enter a flightplan from LOWG to LOWK, which looked quite good, but nur there was a PPOS-entry at the beginning, with 50nm from LOWG. i saved this situation in flightplan GG1.txt

and another try with 50nm from LOWG (blue) to LOWG (magenta) in GG2.txt and GG2.jpg.

Today i found no way get the fms working - i always had a incorrect entry at the beginning of the flightplan regardless of moving the plane, initializing the IRS, reloading the plane ...






Edited by Stefan
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.....The very annoying thing ist, that the problem persits after reloading the airplane....

Hi Stefan, I've come accross something similar with a couple of aicraft with XP10, a persistance or memory of settings/parameters on reloading the CRJ especially, and the only way to get rid of it is to ensure the "save preferences box & "start each flight with engines running" box are un-ticked" on the "Operations & warnings page" under "Settings" menu, then exit X-Plane compleatly, and then Re-start X-plane & re-load the CRJ. Very stange behaviour. It's almost as if the CRJ or XP10 is not always initalizing it's self into the same state if you loaded a different aircraft earlyer in that X-plane session before the CRJ or changed location a couple of times before loading the CRJ.


Update: I set location to LOWK then tried entering your route LOWK to LOWG, then re-locating to LOWG and entered LOWG to LOWK and got 50-51nm between airports each time I used the ARR-DEPT key to select DEPT Rwy & ARR STAR & APP. I tried both cold & dark & engines running, with no problem on my Windows 7 (64bit), XP10.05r1 & CRJ-200 Ver 1.4.5 apart from if I kept switching location back & forth swopping POSINIT's & IRS re-aligns, after the 2nd or 3rd location shift on selecting the approach to be used I'd get a CTD (It happened twice, but I can't realy blame the CRJ when that happens, but this is the crash_log.txt showing the two CTD's incase it helps):

Product: X-Plane 10.05r1 Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)
Virtual Mem Free: -1689903104, Malloc'ed Mem: 294001673, Largest Contig Block: 2145771520
Flags=0, Address = 0x71800a72
0) 0x71800a72 (MSVCR100.dll + 68210)
1) 0x72363abe (win.xpl + 15038)
Product: X-Plane 10.05r1 Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005)
Virtual Mem Free: -1715240960, Malloc'ed Mem: 296504572, Largest Contig Block: 2145783808
Flags=0, Address = 0x723d0a72
0) 0x723d0a72 (MSVCR100.dll + 68210)
1) 0x72133abe (win.xpl + 15038)

Edited by cessna729
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Thanks for the flightplan dumps, I will take a look at them when I have the time.

But one question: Does the error persist AFTER you selected a departure runway?

Because I'm quite sure that as soon as the first waypoint (the center of the airport) has been sequenced and the second (the threshold of the departure runway at the airport) is active, the calculation MUST be correct. Can you confirm this?

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Yes, i had this problem aftere entering a complete flightplan including sid and star. i simplified the scenario a little bit for documentation.

when i remember this correctly, after entering the sid i got a PPOS-Entry on top of the flightplan, which was 3xxxnm away, the distances in the plan between LOWK and LOWG then were correct, but i could not start tracking because of the far away PPOS-entry (which is undeleteable).

i will try again tonight and save the data.

what is so annoying for me ist, that i found NO way out of this problem and cannot fly at the moment using fmc.

suddenly - i could not identify the exact reason so far - everything is ok again.

EDIT: you are right, in my simple examples the correct distances appear after entering the departure runway. the doubling of the distance without a departure runway is a little bit strange, but doesn't matter. so forget my testdata now. i will submit more significant data, when the problem occurs on a complete flightplan.


thx for the informations, i will try to uncheck the two boxes and test again. it seems there is also a problem with the xp10.

Edited by Stefan
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