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Xsaitekpanels for Hot Start Challenger 650

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Xsaitekpanels for Hot Start Challenger 650

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I made these 2 files from scripts made by Pils, Ronmont and an other guy i can't remember and retrace (let me know if you know)

Made for the combi of Switch Panel - Radio Panel and Multi Panel

Do what it's suppose to do with these  


Switch Panel

MAG=             nothing yet
ALT =             Electrique Gen 1 and 2 (on and off)
Avionics master =     Connect AC external power
De-Ice =        Wing and Cowl (on and off)
Pitot Heat =         Wshld/wing and probes (on and off)
Cowl =            Nose Steer and Thrust reversers L+R (armed and off)
Panel =         nothing yet

Multi panel

Auto throttle switch = nothing yet
Doesn't work yet AP engage switch using the dataref CL650/FCP/ap_eng

Radio Panel

Pretty much what's it supposed to do

You are free to change and update these files but if you do please let the community knows it


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