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Steering Tiller - working well with Challenger


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I found a steering tiller on the market from PrimeCockpits (Brazil), and now have it up and running in XPlane, including the Challenger.  So far it's working very well.  A link, some observations, and a picture or two follow, for those that would like to have something that is not too far from reality.



-  not cheap
-  have to assemble some form of enclosure or surface to mount it into
-  shows up as a Joystick in XPlane and it maps to the XPlane steering tiller
-  I purchased a simple desk bracket (Amazon) for the assembly to be closer to where my left hand is resting.
-  I purchased a simple thin pine box with sliding base and cut the 3.25" hole in the top, and a small opening for the USB cable in the bottom.

The cheaper, simpler alternative is to use a twist capable joystick.  But I have found none that are "small" and that was partly why I continued to pursue something better.

There were no surprises, it took about 10 days to ship from Brazil via Brazilian postal service and then US Postal service.


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-  this particular tiller evidently has components made from 3D printing rather than through industrial mfg. equipment.  The issue that has surfaced is a range of "play" at the center which produces an inconsistent "centering" of the steering (e.g. no steer center position) which then leads to having to counter it with the rudder on takeoff.  That's a problem.

-  The company has more expensive industrial mfg tillers, and I will be testing the Airbus 320 PRO.

But ...

Question:  does anyone know of a SMALL twist capable joystick?  I haven't found a small one, they are all large and therefore really aren't suited as a tiller.  A small one would be a fraction of the cost, and would probably have a tight, predictable center spot for the twist mechanism.


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