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Lower sensitivity on joystick?


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I've done whatever I can in the joystick settings in the sim. Is there something else I can do? Hack a config file perhaps? The sensitivity is awful.

I push or pull the joystick only a few degrees, and the yoke in any plane will more or less go all the way. Same with banking. As I pull the joystick left or right, it won't get far until the ailerons are going nuts and the plane starts turning very quick.

If I reset the joystick settings to the default it gets even worse.

So what can I do? Do everyone actually fly with yokes and joysticks? I've been fond of flying with a mouse the past year after I sold my Saitek yoke, and now I know why I did.

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What joystick? Some are broken by design, others develop erratic potentiometer behaviour with time. Check hardware (custom joystick software if any, OS generic controller setup, inside the sim).

What aircraft? Does it happen on a single one or all of them suffer from the same unwelcome behaviour?

What flight conditions? Does it happen all the time or only during certain phases of flight?

Set nullzone to zero and non-linearity to max and again check against above points. Did it help? Did it change anything?

Some sticks need to be "self-calibrated" before flight, just move it in full circles to all of its extremes a couple of times, while on the ground, and then try to fly.

Launch another sim or game and see if the stick works all right there.

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Nullzone has nothing to do with sensitivity. The plane will still act as on drugs when I get out of the nullzone.

ksgy, I've done that. I've found what gives me the best feel at the moment, but it's still too sensitive.

Lukasz, a very cheap one. But beat this - it's by far the "cleanest" I've had when I see the nullzone box. There's simply no "noise" in the movement. It's a Speedlink Black Widow. Yup, I chose it by design. I don't want a joystick that looks like a transformed robot alien species just came from the movie "District 9" and made itself a joystick on my table, like all other joysticks. On the plus side, it feels good too.

I don't think it's the joystick. It must be the sim. I used to have a Saitek yoke last year, and it was very sensitive too, which was part of the reason I sold it.

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I have Saitek and I have to move it to the extremes before flight, so the software registers maximum deflections and "knows" where the stick is at the moment and what percentage of full travel it is. When I won't do that, it behaves exactly as you've described: over-sensitive and moving flight controls all over the place with a slightest touch. The same was the case with previous, cheaper models.

Sometimes I also see no noise in stick response in calibration window, but feel it inside a sim. I don't know how or why but it just happens from time to time.

Some aircraft are designed with non-linear steering input in mind and are hard to fly any other way. You can play with joystick settings or with the aircraft's control surfaces.

I don't know what else could help. Maybe use another USB port? Or connect directly to a computer, instead of an USB hub, if that is the case? I remember reading, that hubs often mess with joysticks.

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