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Crash after USB Hardware Command


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Perhaps I found something out. If I use xp default commands like heading up/down or speed up/down etc. which works in the CRJ this maybe cause sudden crahes. I now mapped those commands to the CRJ datarefs and had flights without crashes. Maybe not doing so confuses the logic of the CRJ - maybe. The only command I do not get to work with hardware is tuning the decison height. I have the dataref but I do not get it to work. All others of the list I uploaded in 1.0 forum are working fine.

Regards Tom

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I read in another topic which is logged now about a lot of crashes. Just to know do you guys use hardware to fly this plane, I mean more then a yoke? Are you manipulating like heading, altitude, vspeed etc. with hardware even with the keyboard? I myself try to find out why those crashes after hardware commands occur. An xplane model which cannot be succesfully operate with hardware will go to my unused airplane folder. I myself do not need xpuipc but at lot of hardware user need this. So this has to work in a xplane model to.


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Because it seems you are the only user having this issue, is difficult to help you. I suggest you divide the problem. Fly the plane only with 5 hardware commands. Then if every is find add 5 more programmed to your hardware device. Until you find a CTD. That way you will know which command is affecting the pluging. I believe is a command. Not hardware, because I have used warthog joystick that has 2 usb, peddals with another usb, and trackir without any problem.

So divide and you will win. I think you will be surprised managing the plane without those hardware is not difficult and unconfortable until you find your problem

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Hi Javier,

thnx for trying to help but as I said it occurs with different commands - but all of them have been defaulf xp commands like tune speed, tune heading, tune DH....

now only DH is still default dataref - cause I do not get the custom command for tune dh to work on hardware - I do not know why cause any other tune command works - are you sure the tune dh command you told in the dataref list is right?

I will go for now with this configuration - knowing there is only one default dataref left and I will see if this crash occurs again. I let you know.

maybe in the moment I am the only one which tr to fly this plane without touching the mouse at all - I see replies where people still complain they cannot use there keyboard for using the fmc - as you know with my list for the xjoymap python script it is possible to use the fmc without mouse.

regards tom

regards tom

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Decision High Tuning:


Minimum: 10.

Maximum: 3000

Maybe you have those CTD because you are giving a default command on HDG mode or whatever (XP command) and the CRJ uses self ones, so it finds 2 values for the same command and it crashes. So that is because you have several commands CTD. Do it as I said. 5 each time (or even 1 by 1) and find those are in conflict. But try always to use the datarefs used inside the plane. Of course flaps commands, spoilers will work, becuase I used default ones. But there a hundreds of self custom programmed ones not included in default XP.

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Decision High Tuning:


Minimum: 10.

Maximum: 3000

Maybe you have those CTD because you are giving a default command on HDG mode or whatever (XP command) and the CRJ uses self ones, so it finds 2 values for the same command and it crashes. So that is because you have several commands CTD.


That is exactly what I thought. Therefore I only use now the crj commands. As I said there is only one left - the dh tune. Dh is radar mda is based on airpressure, right. Cause I see no difference in tuning


Do it as I said. 5 each time (or even 1 by 1) and find those are in conflict. But try always to use the datarefs used inside the plane. Of course flaps commands, spoilers will work, becuase I used default ones. But there a hundreds of self custom programmed ones not included in default XP.

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i just has a Crash of XP when hitting the keystroke for changing the VR speed Settings from VFTO to V1/VR/V2. Cause this is def. a custom command I sent you my log and crash file - I think it is absolutely necessary that a plane of this class must work with hardware! The problem is that it is very hard to reproduce - cause it happens not every time when using the hardware but please be aware and believe that this happens only with the CRJ200.

Regards Tom



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Ok thanks TOBS.. we will try in future to see what we can do. But our focus is not to solve this problem first, and I want you to notice this and be awared of this. If we first solve other compatibility problems that are more important than these you (only) have. But also it is more important for me to make more "rich" the plane in programming for example in a "failure system" (if we can do it) that solve the problem.

Sooo I want you know very clearly that this problem you have may take long.. or even never corrected, because for us is not a must or necessary. I know that you will be totally disappointed with that but for now is just a question of number of people asking something, and we have to choose what is important to pay attention the time we have... so we cannot make all happy. And I think the hardware issue (not joystick for sure, or trackir. Those are important) you ask is a secondary for us.

For us the most important stuff is to make the plane good flying as it is.. with a joystick and mouse or trackir and normal keyboard. And right now we are focusing in that, and I think we are success already in that. But still have to look for some compatibility issues and stuff

Hope you understand it... but as I said.. if we have time (not promissed) we will take a look on this (not me, because I don't know programming).


PD: I close the post because I think not much can be said about this right now and it is only a request from you TOBS. OF course in the future if we have more time and more relaxing work on the CRJ then we can open a threat about this.

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As long as you use only CRJ datarefs, you should be fine.

Writing to standard datarefs might cause any kind of confusion in the CRJ avionics, from a crash to unwanted autopilot behavior. You are definitely on the right track assigning all values based on the dataref list I published.

You say

I just has a Crash of XP when hitting the keystroke for changing the VR speed Settings from VFTO to V1/VR/V2. Cause this is def. a custom command I sent you my log and crash file

Your crash file says otherwise. There is a plugin at work called "SerialFP2_XPLM.xpl". It tries to write "SET_sim_cockpit_autopilot_airspeed1" - this is not the VT dataref. This is X-Plane standard stuff. Seems you still have some writes to standard datarefs in there. When you get those eliminated, there is no reason why the CRJ wouldn't work with your hardware.


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yes of course if I adress the key to your crj200/autopilot/speed_button it triggers xplanes default dataref sim/cockpit/autopilot/airspeed_mode, if I dial the crj200/select_speed it triggers the default sim_cockpit_autopilot_airspeed

this is what I see in the datarefeditor.

Same happens if I switch of the serialFP2 disable it from the plugin, switch of the hardware disconnect it physically from the system - and just take the keyboard command - same result as described above.

This happens with a lot of datarefs - your custom commands/datarefs are triggering default commands/datarefs.

Regards Tom

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I really have no clue about those things. But maybe a hint could be the GoFlight Plugin. I set HDG, VS, DH, SPD, ALT and so on just the same as I do with every other aircraft with it. So obviously those commands (it's Sandys plugin) "arrive" where they need to be without messing with the CRJ or even crashing it.

Just thought I'd share this. If it's utterly unrelated just ignore me :)

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Of course I need to update the X-Plane datarefs to maintain a consistent state - but this is a one-way-road: The CRJ software has control over what the state is right now. It is the authoritative instance and tells X-Plane what to do, dataref-wise. The other way round won't work, since X-Plane cannot tell the CRJ what should be going on, as this may very well violate the CRJs internal logic.

If you go through the datarefs I published, you can be sure that you use the CRJ logic as the authoritative instance.

However, I try to reproduce your problem:

You said you assigned a keystroke to the autopilot speed button.

Does that mean you assigned a keystroke via a Command-to-dataref plugin to the "CRJ/autopilot/speed_button" dataref?

And X-Plane crashes when you push this button?

You used exactly what to assign the keyboard press to the dataref? xjoymap?

Please go with me through your setup and explain to me all stuff I have to install. I still have no clear picture on what you are trying to accomplish and what you are using to do so.


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Of course I need to update the X-Plane datarefs to maintain a consistent state - but this is a one-way-road: The CRJ software has control over what the state is right now. It is the authoritative instance and tells X-Plane what to do, dataref-wise. The other way round won't work, since X-Plane cannot tell the CRJ what should be going on, as this may very well violate the CRJs internal logic.

If you go through the datarefs I published, you can be sure that you use the CRJ logic as the authoritative instance.

However, I try to reproduce your problem:

You said you assigned a keystroke to the autopilot speed button.

Does that mean you assigned a keystroke via a Command-to-dataref plugin to the "CRJ/autopilot/speed_button" dataref?

And X-Plane crashes when you push this button?


Phillip, thnks that we are able to discuss it a bit more - I do not want to bother I try to help and to find out what happens as I do for Ramzzess or Javier Cortez or Dennis Prüfer I do it just for fun if I have time for that - and do not worry soon I have my next big movie where I will be on set for 2 month - then I will be quiet for sure....

to the point:

yes there is a keystroke to the CRJ/autopilot/speed_button dataref in my case shift F6 :-) but I did not say it crashes with hitting that button - it crashed today when I hit the keystroke for the CRJ/spd/tgt_vspeds  -  and that made me wonder cause I really thought that nothing will happen as long as I use the CRJ datarefs. And it is hard to reproduce cause it never happens always that is a very problematic point for sure!

BTW did you see my list for joystick or keystrokes which I made for using with the CRJ200 - I adressed almost everything you see there to my hardware / keyboard as I do with any other plane. Let us stopp using the mouse - mouse is so much unfashion like our benzin driven cars....

And I found out why I did not get the tuning of decison hight to work with a keystroke - cause it it a "float" dataref - so I wrote a (float) behind your dataref and the keystroke/joystick button is working - maybe you could update your list with the info it is a float dataref or not.

Regards Tom

I am on win7 64bit

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