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[SOLVED] Stabilizer Trim setting

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Could someone explain me how calculate the Stab trim setting with an aircraft almost full (46 pax)....

I attached the page to show you my calculation stopped already at ZFW.

I tried other calculations with less pax for a 160nm flight and the calculation returned me a LITOW Index and Weight very low, so the %MAC Index went out of lines graphic.

Thank you.



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I have sent an email to the contact I have that he is a real pilot of this plane. Because the info you have is real one.. so I also don't know what to do. The %Mac with 46 people seems to be near 6-7 so maybe interpolating (it is very linear the table of trim) on the trim should be

8 - 8.5

7 - 8.8

6 - 9.0

but lets wait the pilot reply.

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ok.. the pilot has answered me.. and the first thing....

Always the passengers have to be loaded from back to front. So if there are free seats it should be in the A area. And second.. I made a mistake because putting different configuration of toilet.. A cannot be 16. maximum 14.... so maximum values are:

A: 14 = 22.8

B: 12 = 10.2

C: 12 = 1.1

and here comes the difference. Add 2 more seats in D to have maximum of 12.. so

D: 11 = 6.7

D: 12 = 7.4

I will correct this in 1.2 version.

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Also, it seems to me that there is a little mistake in the value of the ZFW on the sheet: according to Bombardier, it should be 44000 lb, not 40000 lb... And in fact the value in kg indicated on the sheet is correct: 19958 kg = 44000 lb !

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Hi CRJ xp pilots - I do not understand the discussion where to place people or other payload. As far as I know - as long as the plane author did not implement some kind of loading possibllity like you find in some good MSFS payware - it is not possible to place payload on special places like front or back seats. I just forgot Felis xp planes - there it looks like you are able to place people on certain seats and the luggage / cargo in different places to balance the plane.

Regards Tom

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Well, it is good to know how it is done in real flights. Of course we would like to implement the people loading in future. But that is future.... lets see if we can reach that desire.  ;)

As long as that's not implemened, isn't there a good rule of thumb to calculate the trim settings according to overall weight? Would help me a lot, because if there's one thing I always and definetely completely fail at, then it's maths. ;)

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