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A little about me...

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Well, I know I appeared it of nowhere on this forum, so I guess i should take the time to introduce myself and let you know who I am.  My name is Jeff and I am currently going to school to become a professional pilot.  I have a degree in Economics from Penn State University, but aviation is my true love.  I've been flying X-Plane for many years now and found it immensely helpful for my instrument training, as I was able to simulate real-world weather, in aircraft I fly, and practice approach procedures.  I'm just about to finish my single-engine commercial certificate (I already have my private pilot single-engine land and glider, with an instrument rating) and transition into multiple-engine aircraft. I hope to one-day fly corporate jets, but it's really going to come down to who offers me the best job, first.

I'm chronicling my experiences in flight training through a blog, so as gone interested can see my adventures: http://jckfink.blogspot.com

Also, as I posted in another thread, I enjoy photography as well, particularly aviation photography.  You can view my photos on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/finktel_jr

Thanks for looking!

- Jeff

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