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Hola a todos (in spanish, the same as the subject.. I have to say, sorry about my English. I can make mistakes for sure!!)

Well, here we are starting a very promissing time on x-plane, but that cannot be done without you. Not because you buy or not our vendor products, but because you are here, you like the flight simulators and you just teach others to start.

I started long ago as a flight fun boy, and still I am learning from you, so I need you. My gift is work the best I can inside my products, sold or free.

X-plane is a different market to start with. A very difficult market to get inside, because people that are years inside the simulator, had almost all addoms for free, and the only few ones for buying were low prices, while Microsoft addoms where spensive, even if they where worst than lots of x-plane free stuff.

I am a 12 years game industry artist that loves planes, so I toke advance of this to develope my first planes. So much studing, so much time, so much money not won on my normal job, just to make a little dream of this pilot on ground. So I hope you like my present and future works, and make me develope better products.

The AT-6G Texan 3D cockpit, the ATG Javelin, the Conversion of Airhispania spanish airfields for x-plane and now, the develope of a huge project with the help of x-aviation: The CRJ-200.

I preffer to post videos of all of this.. Is better an image than a 1000 words... Enjoy it:

1. The 3D Cockpit for the Bobo's Texan (free download):

2. The ATG Javelin:

3. The CRJ-200 (still on developement):

Well.. you can download or buy this things (and others) inside my webpage:

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  • 10 months later...

Excuse me baut I dont see where start a new topic. A simple question: what about the A320?

I have shift from MFSX to X-Plane and I am wonderfull with this simulator. But is poor in sceneries and aircrafts. I am waiting your new product "como agua de mayo" (Idon't know translate this expression to english.

Thanks form spain

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A words to this guy in my Languaje...

Que pasa paisano!!! jajaja

Ese Como agua de Mayo de delata. Pues quizá el CRJ en Mayo (espero que antes)... y el 320 va después del CRJ. Pero para ese le echo yo por las campanas de navidad quizá. Pero no te tomes esta fecha como definitiva.

El proyecto del A320 es de Anton.. y el CRJ mio. Al final lo que hemos hecho es juntarlo de tal manera que sean proyectos comunes.. pero como le dije a Anton (el programador) debemos ir paso a paso.

Por cierto.. hay un foro en español para los que quieran resolver dudas o poner comentarios en nuestra maravillosa lengua.

Un saludo!!

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Sorry, couldn't resist:

Translated by google translator:


Like water that betrays May. Then perhaps the CRJ in May (hopefully soon) ... and the 320 goes after the CRJ. But for that I cast him for the bells of Christmas perhaps. But do not take this date as final.

The A320 project is Anton .. and CRJ mio. At the end is what we have done together so that they are joint projects .. but as I said to Anton (the developer) must go step by step.


A May? ;/ Or is it mistranslated? ;)

Kind regards,


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Thaks for your wonderfull news.

Y gracias por contestar en castellano.

Ya me pasaré por el spanish foro, pero no dejaré éste porque creo que es muy activo.

Soy muy mayor y recuerdo que cuando salió el seat 600, había que pagar con meses de antelación para que te lo reservaran. Dada la demanda de tus productos, podrías ir pensandotelo...

Gracias otra vez

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