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Saab 340 not receiving ils frequency


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I have flown the saab fpr couple days and today it stopped receiving ils frequency and showing only red loc text in the lower corners in the ehsi. I dont also get the deviation dots/diamond in the Eadi.

I think my frequency is right since i got it from navigraph chart. 

I tried to recieve VOR and they seem to work.

I use X-plane 11

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3 minutes ago, mjrhealth said:

Would be simple to check the same ILS on a different plane. Always pays to confirm, besides you havnt mentioned, the airport or the frequency, it may well be wrong in xplane.

Hey! Thank you for answering.

It seems that my X-plane is using different airac (or something) than the navigraph charts. So now I'm trying to find out if I can update them to be the same. I mean the ils frequensies and atis etc..

Not all ils freq. are wrong. I checked efhk/15 and it was ok, but eftp/24 is wrong.

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Navigraph's FMS data manager will update the navigation data files for X-Plane and its addons. You can also manually download the files and install them yourself, but if you're using Charts you probably already have a subscription.

I think the Saab uses the default X-Plane files since it uses the default GPS, so just adding X-Plane and pointing it to your install should do the trick.

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I am trying that now, but the fms data manager doesnt show the default x-plane as an option to update. Like that in the picture. So im trying to do it manyally somehow. I already have the gns430 updated. I watched some videos and they had the x-plane 11 ooption in the add-options

Again thank you for answering :)


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7 minutes ago, nomdeplume said:

Navigraph's FMS data manager will update the navigation data files for X-Plane and its addons. You can also manually download the files and install them yourself, but if you're using Charts you probably already have a subscription.

I think the Saab uses the default X-Plane files since it uses the default GPS, so just adding X-Plane and pointing it to your install should do the trick.

I'm not sure if you get notification of that last post of mine. so here is a tag

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That looks right to me, except my X-Plane 11 was actually detected automatically, so it's only the GNS430 data that is manual. Do you have the X-Plane 11 path set correctly on the Settings tab? And just to be sure, did you do the update via the "Addon list" button and they're all green? Current cycle should be 1809 rev 1.

You can also check the files to see if it's been updated:

For X-Plane 11 default GPS, it's X-Plane 11/Custom Data/cycle_info.txt
For X-Plane 11 GNS430 data, it's X-Plane 11/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/cycle_info.txt

If FMS Data Manager says you're all up to date but those files don't have the information about the current cycle in them, then you've probably got the wrong path for X-Plane (should be the base directory, e.g. E:\X-Plane 11 for me).


Now... since your issue is actually an out of date ILS frequency, from what I understand this is most likely going to be picked up from the file X-Plane 11/Custom Data/earth_nav.dat. This should be updated by Navigraph. That file acts as an override for X-Plane's default data, so if you don't have third-party navdata then X-Plane would be using its default data, from X-Plane 11/Resources/default data/earth_nav.dat.

With the current Navigraph data (AIRAC 1809), I have this in Custom Data/earth_nav.dat:

 4  61.406722222   23.571991667      368    11010    18    244.445   TP EFTP EF 24 ILS-cat-I
 6  61.417238889   23.623108333      368    11010    18 300244.445   TP EFTP EF 24 GS
12  61.417238889   23.623108333      424    11010    25      0.000   TP EFTP EF PIRKKALA DME-ILS

11010 = 110.1 which matches what's shown on the current chart.

The default data that ships with X-Plane has:

 4  61.406722222   23.571991667      415    10970    25    244.445   TP EFTP EF 24 ILS-cat-I
 6  61.419186111   23.621169444      415    10970    25 300244.445   TP EFTP EF 24 GS
 8  61.423786111   23.646497222        0        0     0    244.445   TP EFTP EF 24 MM
 7  61.446597222   23.748355556        0        0     0    244.445   TP EFTP EF 24 OM

So if you don't have the updated data loading in the sim for whatever reason, then you could probably do the approach with 109.7 instead.

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