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Osm2xp - Scenery generator - v2.0.2 out


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Hi Simmon,

The scenery website is where i'm storing pre made scenery files.

You can download files for nearly every place in the world there, the problem is that i didn't updated them since june, and it was made with osm2xp 1.1 so no sploped roofs for exemple, old data etc...

So you'd better generate scenery yourself with the latest osm2xp version.

I will update the scenery website as soon as posible, but i'm working on a brand new version, so i'm waiting to finish it before regenerating dsf files, here are a few WIP screens:



About osm2xp , there's no "team", i'm alone on that project (with beta testers of course!)

Maybe when i will make it open source people will want to work on it , maybe to support others flight sims.

If someone is interested, a little technical part about how osm2xp works now:

Osm2xp 2.0 was made with that in mind, make something modular that just read openStreetMap data and translate it to something readable for another software.

Here's a little screen about the workflow and objects used:


Parser, Translator and Writer are interfaces, in short they describe behaviors, and you can write objects that implement those "contracts".

So right now, if you use osm2xp 2 to generate a dsf scenery from a .pbf file , here's what's going on:

The .pbf file is given to a Pbf Parser implementation, which will read the osm data , put it in a more readable form, and send it to the translator.

We're working for a dsf output, so the translator is a Dsf Translator, its job is to transform the data the parser sent him to something that will be written in a dsf output.

That's where most of the job is done, check if the openStreetMap object that was sent is a building, an object or a forest, compute wich facade will be used, geometry checks to respect xplane facades specification etc...

When the translator is done, it sends the transformed data to the writer, in our case a Dsf Writer , that will write this data in a .dsf file (the writer also do other things around the dsf file, like write the header, polygons /objects declarations etc).

Now let's imagine i want to add support for let's say flightGear, i just need to write an implentation of Translator and Writer object.

Maybe i will also need to change something in the user interface? No problem , as osm2xp is built around eclipse rcp, i can write a new perspective for flighGear (perspective are a set of views and windows, right now there are 2 perspectives in osm2xp , configuration and build, but we can imagine in the future a xplaneConfiguration perspective, and a flightGearPerspective).

These well separated layers are also nice to enhance/change what is generated, let's imagine i want to have osm2xp generate sim city like buildings into xplane, you know green/yellow/blue buildings , well i just need to write a new Translator for it, a few lines of code and i'm good.

So with all these changes, it's now an open tool to transform OpenStreetMap data to something else, right now xplane, maybe tomorrow flightGear, flight, FarmingSimulator...

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Yeah i'm working on XHT with premek and artoo.

I'm working alone on osm2xp.

Another thing about the result on xplane, in some countries that 's not very nice, i think for you (Australia) it won't be very good.

To generate good result osm2xp needs very precise open street map data, like what we have in france.

For some places in openstreetmap you have big huge blocks insteads of dozen of little houses, the more detailled the data is in openStreetMap, the better in xplane.

A few screens by MdMax with latest osm2xp version:



Edited by benny
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Benny, I understand that osm2xp generates 3D buildings and trees. What about underlying ortophoto? On the screenshots it looks different that default X-Plane's textures. Is it being generated or downloaded by osm2xp itself or do I need to get it from somewhere else (like Google maps or something)?

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On the contrary it's good that xplane10 is coming so quick!

I'll be able to do something much more pretty with xplane10 enhancements (facade roof tiling, 3D objects "decoration" on facades) , i will have lots of 3D lego objects to place (plus the object library Tkyler is talking on this forum).

The global lightning will add to the eye candy, as the osm roads, seems we will be able to add a lot more of 3D objects with good performance (so we can think on some eye candy stuff like add cars on parkings, street lights on houses, stuff like that).

The xplane autogen will be very nice for some places like USA, but on countries with good osm coverage like France, i think that full osm generated scenery will be outstanding on xp10.

Osm2xp v2 was writen with xp10 in mind, now i have something clean and easily scalable , so i'm waiting for xplane10 to go head down :)

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Even better then! Any pics of v2 houses? You are right, if we can use even better roof and facade textures and larger varieties of structures, it'll be great in combo with the street data. Even with my brief v1 flight just now, the positioning of structures felt spot on, compared to the shotgun effect of the autogen.

Edit- I just saw mdmax's pics. Wow, looking good!

Edited by Simmo W
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updated to 2.0.1

-Fixed osm height extraction bug.

-Added a console output mode for debug purpose (advanced tab).

-Removed some very low sloped roofs that could lead to potential xplane crash and were bad for performance.

-Fixed street lights bug.

Edited by benny
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm messing around with osm2xp and wondering if there is an easier way to config the output so that facades' and objects' "Show At" property is set to something other than "Totally insane" -- is there any way to easily batch change that setting or config it within osm2xp?

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As a workaround I loaded the resulting DSF file into WED, then using tkyler's amazing "Hold Down the ALT Key and It Changes Everything In One Fell Swoop" you trick in WED 1.2

1. Import the OSM2XP generated DSF using the "File -> Import DSF" function

2. Select every object in the scenery on the right hand side pane (Cmd-A/CtrlA)

3. Holding [ALT], change the first object from '6-Insane' to someting more appropriate - All the objects then change with it.

4. Export Scenery Pack.


- CK.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all

I'm just playing around by converting some OSM files myself.

e.g. I downloaded the Netherlands from the Geofabrik as they write that these files always are up to date.

I installed the required Java version and the latest version of OSM2XP.

While converting the OSM file for netherlands I always get the error below while converting some tiles. OSM2XP continues and even generate the scenery but using it then in X-plane causes a crash when flying.

It seems to be related to the amount of required memory. I see the mem usage in OSM2XP increases near the max btw.

Hope somebody can help.




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Hi all

I'm just playing around by converting some OSM files myself.

e.g. I downloaded the Netherlands from the Geofabrik as they write that these files always are up to date.

I installed the required Java version and the latest version of OSM2XP.

While converting the OSM file for netherlands I always get the error below while converting some tiles. OSM2XP continues and even generate the scenery but using it then in X-plane causes a crash when flying.

It seems to be related to the amount of required memory. I see the mem usage in OSM2XP increases near the max btw.

Hope somebody can help.



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Hi Benny,

Ahaaa, that's great I will try that.

Are there any special requirements for this value, e.g. muliple of xxx or something or will just any value wthin the limit of installed RAM do?

Thanks for answering.


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The -Xmx parameter is the maximun ammount of ram that the java virtual machine will be able to use.

2048 should be enough for most places.

(the only limit to this parameter is that you must have the choosen value as free ram when launching the java app. giving more ram to osm2xp won't make it faster, it will just prevent crashes on a tile with a lot of buildings)

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