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About This File

This is a very special plane! The Boeing 767 AWACS

An airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system is an airborne radar system designed to detect aircraft, ships and vehicles at long ranges and control and command the battle space in an air engagement by directing fighter and attack aircraft strikes. AEW&C units are also used to carry out surveillance, including over ground targets and frequently perform C2BM (command and control, battle management) functions similar to an Airport Traffic Controller given military command over other forces. Used at a high altitude, the radars on the aircraft allow the operators to distinguish between friendly and hostile aircraft hundreds of miles away.

The E767 is used by the Japanese airforce, so that is the only livery included at the moment.


  • The plane may have an epileptic seizure in flight, to rectify this, turn off the artificial stability, located on the top left corner of the overhead panel
  • The plane's LIT textures do not include windows of the fuselage
  • Reading the manual is very useful, be sure to take a look at it before consulting with me.

This plane is subject to copyright by all developers, in order to re-distribute, modify, or otherwise share this plane, you MUST ask all of the following for permission and credit them on the post:

Hiroshi Igami: Objects

Peter Tram: Normal map texturing

Philip Foglar: Base textures

Jerry Ng: Sounds

Michael Chang: Flight model, objects, liveries

Redistribution of this file without the consent of all of the above is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

Ground services:

This plane has a set of stairs that appear when the main PAX door is opened, activation is covered in the manual.

Other credits:

Hiroshi Igami: animation guidance

Warren Daniel (CEO of CLS): Flight model data

Enjoy your flights, Michael Chang.

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Looks great I will certainly be downloading this soon. Does the radome have an effect on the flight dynamics?



  On 11/6/2012 at 1:05 AM, i<3xplane10 said:

Looks great I will certainly be downloading this soon. Does the radome have an effect on the flight dynamics?

The plane is a little heavier than the regular 767-200ER, and the radome shouldn't have too much of an affect



I was kind of wondering wether the radome had an aerodynamic affect on the aircrafts handling.



  On 1/12/2013 at 11:38 PM, bdmaster said:

which type of engines?

although i don't remember exactly, i believe it is the GE CF6-80C or 80A, not sure which 



In real life, yes, the radome does have a bit of an effect, acting as an extra "wing" that provides just a bit of extra lift, from what my rw comrades told me during my rw flying days aboard the US AWACS. And it def adds some weight; it weighs 30 tons! The trainers for the US AWACS had no radome, so they had to but several 50-gal drums of water in the "aft baggage area" to simulate the weight of the rotodome.



nice job Michael Chang you done a lot for the 767 maybe this time you could do the 777  



I found a bug on the throttle. When I lower my throttle to idle, the engines dramatically rev up. So I have to put the throttle somewhere above the idle position. I you found the problem, PM back.

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